People should also know that its all India launch network test with free service , with unlimited data but 4GB FUP now . Whatever issues people post they will only act if they dont know about it or can do something for it . Other issues which require major changes in infrastructure will not happen overnight and they close the complaint . Really cant do much about it a its free . I have had 4 network complaints out of which only first complaint they called up . Rest all closed with no changes . Now improvement has come after 5 months .
So please post the issues and complaint to JIO but action as i have said earlier . Resolution takes time
When less people were using it I have got 75Mbps also . So what ...... free users will reduce the stats and its a known fact .
So Jio haters should keep the biggest point that its FREE
Comparing it with AVOID is in not correct perceptive . I have done 1.7TB from the date i have got the connection . Never ever would have done that if paying .
Airtel is so afraid that they have began their OPEN Network because it was a reality that where Airtel had poor 2G, JIO has usable 4G . People were talking . Airtel has given 2GB 4G free on my postpaid connection due to this JIO threat .
Problems exist in JIO and hope will get sorted out but thats why they have had the trial launch . So whoever had good network earlier might not see a chnage but for self it has been an improvement in Band 40 and Band 5
Take a chill , comments are not personal
Sidenote- I dont work for any mobile company