I called them regarding these plans and they replied "this currently promotional and it is without FUP and will be available in few days."
Doesn't make Sense. My Calculations Suggest Good profits for them despite of such ul plans, probably The customer Care Doesn't have idea and might have told you like that. Sales Guy over here confirmed new plans have been launched and it would be updated within a week.

Just to Give you Guys some idea:
Beam offers 10mbps 30Gb + 2mbps ul for 1110(inc.tax) > Reliance offers 2mbps unlimited for 786(inc.tax) and Reliance has their own bandwidth capacities. :|
Similarly Beam offers 15Mbps till 40gb + 4mbps unlimited for 1660(inc.tax) > Reliance offers 4mbps unlimited for 1235(inc.tax)