Why was it all that bad before? I guess it looked quite okay to me. Is there no way to modify the FOV using the .ini file or something?
Oops i meant Leon not Chris.Kotaku feels otherwise.
Anyways, I've already completed 4 chapters from Jake and Sherry's campaign. Will finish that off and begin Chris' campaign next.
You forgot the ample amount of QTEs for no reason. I call the game QTEvil.Finally, after a month I finally wrapped up the most retarded game I have played in a long time now.
Save for Leon and Chris' campaigns, the rest were extremely boring. And what bull crap voice acting and dialogues! Classic instance, Leon and Helena enters the sewers in one of the chapters. Leon asks her, "Not a fan of sewers?"! I meant what rubbish is this? Anyhow, some of the enemy designs were pretty decent. Boss battles were sucky and most of them were shoot-the-glowing-thing to take it down types. Crapcom could have dropped two campaigns and focused on the other two to improve the overall game. Instead they chose to give four campaigns to narrate the story from each character's perspective and ruined the entire title!
Not attempting another RE title for some time. At least not until it has been received well by the community and critics.