Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+ and Fuze

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Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

raksrules said:
I rockboxed my sansa clip+ and was playing with the FM settings when it hanged and is stuck at that screen:@
Pressing any of the button does not help. Even connecting to the PC does not help :(
I think i will now have to wait until entire battery runs out.
Any alternate way to reboot / shut down the clip+ ??

oh. Well on my clip+ there is no FM option :P even the hardware status says there is no FM device. does not matter since i dont listen to FM. even if I had to i'll just boot into OF and use it :P

since rockbox doesnt support USB yet, I can plug in the clip+ to my lappy for charging and still listen to songs :D I LOVE IT!
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

^ What do you guys mean exactly by lack of USB support on Rockbox :S ?
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

You have to boot the Clip+ on OF and then connect to laptop if you want to transfer files. If using rockbox and connect to lappy, it will just charge.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Shall i go ahead and try rockbox on my fuze v2.Now that i am in NZ i don't want to screw the player as i will not even get warranty.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Upto you :P mine went w/o probs, i even upgraded the firmware again with a newer version of bootloader with just 15% battery left :P
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

How do i boot in original firmware ? Whenever i start my clip+ it starts in rockbox mode.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Installed finally :D , everything works fine , FM recording , music playback etc

How do i boot in original firmware ? Whenever i start my clip+ it starts in rockbox mode.

Just press |<< while switching the player ON

There is no perfect guide for V2

What firmware version are you running ?

WTH , I have chess , sudoku , snake , stopwatch working on my player .

If you don't like the bundled fonts , here is a massive collection :
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

manu1991 said:
Just press |<< while switching the player ON

Wow thanks it worked fine. Thanks again.
WTH , I have chess , sudoku , snake , stopwatch working on my player .

Did you check out the album art flipping (like ipod touch / iphone), that too is cool :):)
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Good to know many peeps are trying Rockbox. I am using it on my D2 from about 1 yr. It really rocks( esp for english songs). Once it is fully finished, No other FW will come close to it in terms of sound quality. Can you guys share your sound settings please.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Rockbox improves the SQ?

As in, it might probably let you tweak the EQ which the stock firmware would not let you do that I suppose.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

It can't magically improve the SQ , but it does give you excellent EQ options , crossfade etc
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

It can't magically improve the SQ , but it does gie you excellent EQ options , crossfade etc

Rock box is superb for Bass. Its equalizer enhances the bass, but wont mix up the other frequencies. you can listen to each and every instrument. I will share my sound settings once I reach home. Bass Goes deep down to 20Hz,if you use IEMs/Best quality earphones that can handle Bass.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

I found one bug/issue after installing the rockbox on my clip+. So guys take care of this point

If you have say paused song or say put the clip+ in standby then the player goes in sleep / shut downs. Then just pressing the power button once wont ON the player, instead press the power button for like 15-20 seconds, nothing will happen on screen, dont worry, now release and just press power again and player will be ON again.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

Rockbox users please test your battery life times over continuous playback without any recharging in between. This 3x battery life claim interests me.
Re: Rockboxing the Sansa Clip+

It uses a litium polymer battery.

When you said the gauge in the OF was not accurate i'm wondering if that really is the case or whether it just needed calibrating.

To calibrate all you do is run the battery down to zero from a full charge. Run till the sansa dies. You need to do this once a month to keep things accurate or the gauge tends to drift off over the multiple trickle charges.

Otherwise in general use you don't want to go below 20% before you do the recharge. If its going to be left unused for a long period of time its best to keep it at 40%.
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