Scorpy said:its just that scary feeling man .. i mean imagine ur self actually being in chernobyl right now at night... thinking about it only gives me the creeps >.> ....
the game really puts some fear in you... I reached this part where we are in some underground long tunnel or water pipe .. and at the end of the tunnel there is this monster thingy sending waves of radiation or whatever it is at you .. a few mins after that part i couldn't bear it anymore
really i wasnt expecting such a reply so was bit annoyed ... anyway leave itjojothedragon said:^ meant that in some other way. I'm no teacher. So leave it be.
"Protection from piracy? Part of the content will be located on the server and downloaded as the game progresses. Permanent internet access is required," revealed studio head Sergey Grigorovich in an interview. "Text information, code and quests will be loaded through that connection.
"Software piracy is an issue for us, we try to fight it, but within reason. If people can not afford a licensed version, it is to our advantage if they download a pirated copy, and then want to buy a license. In Ukraine, there are different products that people love so much that they buy a license in principle. We want to create just such a product."
Scorpy said:its just that scary feeling man .. i mean imagine ur self actually being in chernobyl right now at night... thinking about it only gives me the creeps >.> ....
the game really puts some fear in you... I reached this part where we are in some underground long tunnel or water pipe .. and at the end of the tunnel there is this monster thingy sending waves of radiation or whatever it is at you .. a few mins after that part i couldn't bear it anymore
ubergeek said:dont worry guys some publisheer will pick it up and develop it ,all we can hope for is that it doesnt become another DNF