Samsung Captivate aka Galaxy S at 21K !

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What will be the total charges including shipping (approx.) if I take the ebay route?

I can see that most of them have been listed for between $250 and $300. So it will be somehwere about Rs.13500 just for the phone. What will be the shipping charges?
cisco_tech said:
I am more interested in Captivate for its design. but random shutdown problem is backing me off. My budgate is max 15K.
AFAIK the random shutdown affected very few phones and that too was fixed by the software update. At the time when i fell each one of us is installing custom ROM's on their captivates, this should not be the issue. Mine was also manufactured before Nov,10 but touchwood I never faced any shutdown problems.
^^ Now-a-days Customs is charging ~5% taking the assessable value of the phone as 20k - 22K. This was the case for last three import of mine. They don't care what value you declare or what paper you supply.

So, duty comes to ~1.2K and shipping is around 850 (if the weight is more 500 gm, which is almost always). So, the minimum amount for customs and shipping comes to around 2K.
Just got the details of custom and shipping, customs 391 and shipping 1300 as the parcel weight approx 2.7 lb.

Custom is is charged @1.3%
Yeah its cool but i am still not sure how tte custom charges came to 391/- coz if they charged me 1.3% on 15k it should be 195/- or if they charged me 5.3% on 15k it should have come to 800/-.

What about the accessories i got a desktop charger a car holder with in build charger a cover 8GB sandisk card and a extra battery, Do they charge you custom duty on this also ?
^^ Check the customs duty assessment paper that they have given you. All details are there (assessable value, rate of duty charged).
I know the details are on the custom paper but I haven't received the shipment got these details from aramex. Most probably will get the delivery tomorrow.
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