Samsung I5800 Preview

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Phew, it looks like it wont have call and disconnect buttons like SPica did.

Its basically Dpad + Home + Search + back + menu config.

Multitouch is the only real positive thing about it ( that too to some extent only. I doubt browsing on such small screen will be any fun, so there goes pinch zoom advantage ).

I still dont know what was Samsung thinking making this phone to replace 5700.

Light sensor, proximity sensor (visible in pics ) are welcomed additions, but reducing screen size and resolution was big mistake IMHO.

I would take 5700 over this personally. I really liked the chunky buttons on that one :P
I read on samsung firmware that CPU on this one is 667MHz, memory is 170MB.

There are some improvement on Spica:thumb:, Multitouch, FM, 2.1( And with it better chances of 2.2 & probably Gingerbread!:ohyeah:) GSM says Interface, Browser are also better and there is SWYPE keyboard. Proximity and Light sensors.

Some disappointments also:(, smaller screen, CPU, Memory. Looks but thats individual.

Lets wait for Full specs and final review.
Kevin Lane said:
I read on samsung firmware that CPU on this one is 667MHz, memory is 170MB.

There are some improvement on Spica:thumb:, Multitouch, FM, 2.1( And with it better chances of 2.2 & probably Gingerbread!:ohyeah:) GSM says Interface, Browser are also better and there is SWYPE keyboard. Proximity and Light sensors.

Some disappointments also:(, smaller screen, CPU, Memory. Looks but thats individual.

Lets wait for Full specs and final review.
170MB is internal memory..lower than spica.

we need to know ram.

i hope samsung addresses slowdown on spica by trimming android and slapping TouchWiz 3.0 on it too in their next awaited update for it.
Actually as soon as you disable samsung pantheon and put Launcher Pro, Spica becomes much smoother to operate. Its not android, but its the phone itself and samsung's pantheon that was the reason for slight slowdowns.

Remember that CPU inside may be 800Mhz chip, but its old ARM 11 chip. I hope they havent used the same with i5800 as its already running at lower freq, and if its still ARM 11, then it will be even slower.
Shripad said:
Actually as soon as you disable samsung pantheon and put Launcher Pro, Spica becomes much smoother to operate. Its not android, but its the phone itself and samsung's pantheon that was the reason for slight slowdowns.

Remember that CPU inside may be 800Mhz chip, but its old ARM 11 chip. I hope they havent used the same with i5800 as its already running at lower freq, and if its still ARM 11, then it will be even slower.
the::unwired - APPROVAL: GCF approves the Samsung GT-I5800 & GT-I5801 Android Smartphones [UPDATE]

this site confirms that samsung approved it being ARM 11 on i5800 and i5801

it also mention i580x being 240x480 but that might be wrong.

wap profile from samsung site for i5800

Android Browser AppleWebKit/530.17 Yes 4.0 No Yes 1.5 Yes Yes General Access Handsfree Service Discovery 16 Yes ARM11 Yes ISO-10646-UCS-2 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 PhoneKeypad GT-I5800 0 ISO-10646-UCS-2 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 1x1 240x400 25x21 Yes Yes Yes SAMSUNG Yes application/smil application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.wap.mms-message application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed application/vnd.wap.multipart.related audio/amr audio/aac audio/imy audio/mid audio/midi audio/x-mid audio/x-midi audio/mp3 audio/mpeg3 audio/mpeg audio/mpg audio/x-mp3 audio/x-mpeg3 audio/wav audio/ogg application/ogg audio/3gpp audio/mp4 image/gif image/jpeg image/jpg image/png image/bmp video/mpeg4 video/mp4 video/mpeg video/3gpp video/3gp video/h263 video/3gpp2 text/plain text/x-vCard text/x-vCalendar US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-2 307200 640x480 1.2 TX IR IB VB VR SSL3.0 TLS GPRS SMS text/plain application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml base64 US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 ISO-10646-UCS-2 4096 No application/java-archive application/ogg application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml application/xhtml+xml audio/aac audio/amr audio/imelody audio/mid audio/midi audio/mp3 audio/mpeg3 audio/mpeg audio/mpg audio/x-mid audio/x-midi audio/x-mp3 audio/x-mpeg3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpg video/mpeg4 video/mp4 video/3gpp image/gif image/jpeg image/jpg image/png text/html text/plain application/vnd.oma.dd+xml text/ application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.oma.drm.content application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml ISO-10646-UCS-2 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 base64 en bg cs da de el es et fi fr ga hr hu is it kk ko lt lv mk nl no pl pt ro ru sk sl sr sv tr uk No 2.0 5000 ForwardLock CombinedDelivery SeparateDelivery count datetime interval Yes

wap profile from samsung site for i5801

Android Browser 0.6 Yes 4.0 No Yes 1.5 Yes Yes General Access Handsfree Service Discovery 16 Yes ARM11 Yes ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 PhoneKeypad GT-i5801 0 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 1x1 240x400 25x21 Yes Yes Yes SAMSUNG Yes application/smil application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.wap.mms-message application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed application/vnd.wap.multipart.related audio/amr audio/aac audio/x-aac audio/imy audio/imelody text/x-iMelody audio/mid audio/midi audio/sp-mid audio/sp-midi audio/x-mid audio/x-midi audio/mobile-xmf audio/rtx audio/mp3 audio/mpeg3 audio/mpeg audio/mpg audio/x-mp3 audio/x-mpeg3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpg audio/wav audio/x-wav text/x-wav text/x-wave audio/ogg application/ogg application/vnd.smaf application/x-smaf audio/3gpp audio/mp4 image/gif image/jpeg image/jpg image/png image/bmp video/mpeg4 video/mp4 video/mpeg video/3gpp video/3gp video/x-h263 video/h263 video/x-h264 video/h264 video/mp4v-es video/3gpp2 text/plain text/x-vCard text/x-vCalendar US-ASCII ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 ISO-10646-UCS-2 307200 640x480 1.2 TX IR IB VB VR SSL3.0 TLS GPRS SMS text/plain base64 4096 No application/java-archive application/ogg application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml application/xhtml+xml audio/aac audio/amr audio/imelody audio/mid audio/midi audio/mp3 audio/mpeg3 audio/mpeg audio/mpg audio/x-mid audio/x-midi audio/x-mp3 audio/x-mpeg3 audio/x-mpeg audio/x-mpg video/mpeg4 video/mp4 video/3gpp image/gif image/jpeg image/jpg image/png text/html text/plain application/vnd.oma.dd+xml text/ application/vnd.oma.drm.message application/vnd.oma.drm.content application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml ISO-10646-UCS-2 ISO-8859-1 US-ASCII UTF-8 base64 No ForwardLock No 2.0
I think that the i5800 is the Feminine version of the i5700.......!!!

I mean, look at all those curves...... It is definitely not muscular.... rather, it is curvaceous & very feminine.....

Bring the Spica back please, This screams corby all over again.
But again, the specs arent that clear, i guess we should wait for a post launch review?
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