I understood only the Ganesh part.See the way JAK portrait this situation shows Ganesh somehow selling stolen stuff bought from online stores, So if we have Details of the sellers hikvision sold the drives we can reach them with the serial number and can ask them what happen to those drives. It's quite possible they were bought online and later ganesh raised the claim for not receiving them and got the money back and the drives and later he sold the drives here.
But why would JAK want to hide this is he in the same boat he is doing the same thing with the sellers online?
As for the S/N I just noticed that Ganesh hid them from his sale threads. I guess he was taking precautions in order to not be investigated/caught.
Anyway you can ask for the S/N of the two drives Jak bought from Ganesh. You can do the rest yourself yes? Like asking the distributor what happened to those drives or to which city they sold them. But like I said you will never get the personal details of the customer though. Its absolutely not worth for them from a legal perspective. So it will all be a moot point without the court order.
This one. I totally agree. If you look at Ganesh HDD thread many of his old customers also pretty much vouched and defended him and I don't think that any of them questioned the sources. Why? Because they got a "good" deal. No questions asked. The end. Everyone forgets and happily went about their way. I personally have never vouched for anyone.In any case, I've now seen multiple people here say that they don't really care about the source as long as they get stuff cheap.
And oh guys, FYI I don't think that Ganesh is the only one pulling this crap. There may be more. They just haven't been caught. And after this incident they might take more precautionary measures.