Some PS4 games that I missed out on. What to buy ?

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Staff member
So with a lot of life taking over LOL, I missed out on some games.
Which ones should I outright buy from these and play for a lot of fun ?
Single player only.

Borderlands Handsome Collection
Farcry 4, 5
Fallout 4
Just Cause 3
^ only from above games or all? If only from above, Id recommend fallout 4, farcry 5 and just cause 3 in that order. Didnt play borderlands so I can"t comment.

If looking for all the games, I'd suggest red dead redemption, uncharted 4
Bloodborne and God Of War 4 are supposed to be the tier one exclusives for PS4.
But Bloodborne is way too masocore like Dark Souls I guess.
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