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chiron said:
I think the govt of India should reimburse them.
Are you kidding me ?

Did the Govt of India tell you to invest in the speakasia ? Why dont they stand up for what they did ?
chiron said:
I think the govt of India should reimburse them.
Nope. Why should they ? The people themselves fell for this trap. Such schemes have been there befoere like Gold Quest, Questnet etc and have either gone away or changed names and still operating. People in lure of quick money in(waste) money in this and they themselves are to be blamed.
good its been done..if only other ponzi schemes be eliminated and stricter law rules on these kind of schemes shd be amended.
Someone told me yesterday Star Plus was praising Speak Asia stating it's not a Fraud organization. What a U turn did they get paid finally? :P
My ex-girl friend told that she is still getting surveys and also getting paid :@

Was feeling so good hoping the she would get screwed by speak asia..:ashamed:
^lol, yeah surveys are still coming and money for those are still being credited.

But, the accounts are locked..so they cannot be withdrawn.
People dont be under false impression that the company being genuine.

Problem is there is no business model.They say the take surveys and pay,but all companies survey which comes is saying we dont do that survey.So from where are they paying money?

Its possible because still new people are getting enrolled and the money of this new members are passed on as survey fees.Also this bubble i guess is going on in neighboring countries which is financing it now.Its just a matter of time.When the number of people enrolled exceeeds new entry the bubble will burst.

Be carefull its the business model which is doubtful dont give false impression that everything is alright.All this scheme goes again and again from eucalyptus ,nilgiri tree plantation to mushroom growing and selling.But all are ponzi in nature with faulty business model.
they have launched their new website yesterday with new products...i was wondering can we buy the products using our reward points only and not by cash....any speakasians here would like to clarify perhaps
ashvarybabul said:
My ex-girl friend told that she is still getting surveys and also getting paid :@

Was feeling so good hoping the she would get screwed by speak asia..:ashamed:
the only people getting screwed at any moment are the people at the end of the chain..who just enrolled. And everybody up the chain survives on their fees. Very proud feeling to get paid on someone or other at the end of the chain...Great scheme. These schemes work bcause people in society come to what they actually care: Self.
too bad , i would have bought in pluto when it was a planet , now its not .... landvalues would have dropped by now!
6pack said:
I'm selling some land on Pluto. going cheap for a million buck. anyone wants?
Please list it on ebay, i dont mind the extra 6% ebay charge, atleast i will be able to use some coupons :D
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