Steam s***s !!!!!

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BF1983 said:
I had to install 1.2 GB of patches for HL2 on my 56 kbps dial up connection and I couldn't play the game unpatched. Wow !

I never had a fast internet connection and hence I do not play online. So I dont like it when steam refuses to allow me to play a single player hard copy game. Thats the whole grouse.

If I was playing CS or TF2 then Steam makes a lot of sense since every game on the server needs to be patched and finding friends is easy. But I bought the game for its single player usage ! What if I had a dial up connection. Any idea how much more I would have had to pay just to play the game offline ?
That about sums up my feelings perfectly. Steam is good for multiplayer games, but otherwise it's just an annoyance.
zibalingz said:
Hating on steam is so old and really lame ...

Hey everybody is entitled to their opinion. If you have a fast unlimited internet connection well then good for you. I dont have one and I dont play online games.

I have bought plenty of single player games and none have given me any issues while installing them. They even let me play them immediately after installation.

Thats why I call Steam spyware. Its something I dont want but am forced to use it when it is not necessary.

@Saumil - Glad to know some people still dont think steam is the next best thing since sliced bread. Sure it has its plus points but most of them are of no use to me.
! 0 t A said:
Steam hasnt given me any problems till date. Even when installing games from original discs. . everything proceeds seamlessly.

i know, dunno why he is whining and saying steam is spyware, so unfair :S
^^ Spyware is something you dont want installed on your computer. I dont want Steam on my computer either. None of the benifits of steam apply to me since I play single player games only. (Yes I genuinely believe Steam is a good piece of software of people who play online and who have a fast internet connection)

ALL my single players games have installed perfectly and have worked perfectly without Steam in the picture. However I dont have the option of bypassing Steam when I install the SINGLE PLAYER game Dawn of War II. So isn't it something of a spyware software ? I have to install this software which is of no use to me and is more of a nuisance that something that will benefit me).

I dont want to use the software to play a single player game but I dont have any option not to use it either. Also it is not mentioned anywhere on the box that you need Steam to play. All it says is that you need an internet connection to install the game and a small logo of steam works at the back.

Needing an internet connection to validate the game is fair. I had to validate my key online when I bought Alone in the Dark. But that was it ! I did not need to download/install any software or any other such crap and it allowed me to play the game as soon as I finished installing it ! Steam required me to download some patches which took me hours on my slow internet connection.
BF1983 said:
Also it is not mentioned anywhere on the box that you need Steam to play. All it says is that you need an internet connection to install the game and a small logo of steam works at the back.

it's mentioned in bold face on the box that the product is offered subject to your acceptance of the steam subscriber agreement and that you need an account for it.

I :heart: Steam!:hap2:
^^ Lol ! Good one. Anyway this debate is now useless. I am biased against Steam coz twice now it caused me problems and I doubt I will ever change my opinion about it. So lets leave it at that.
steam presents a lot of headache for those of us who want to play single player/LAN multi player games , but dont/cant get internet. we all have steam ID's , but we wanted to host a cstrike tourney at work. obviously we cant connect from the office network, so for the first time , we used the jack sparrow edition, but policy compliance is a pretty strict issue, and their cafe license partner in india isnt very helpful either.

So yes, having to have an internet connection to register ( tolerable , can use a data card or a GPRS modem) is fine, but having to compulsorily download all the crap is NOT fine.

as unobtrusive and useful for some it is , it is still a headache for some of us. Its still a rather annoying DRM. whether it is dotted or lubricated or if you like it is not my problem, because its is still like bending over to get your Fscked in the @ss, and i dont like it.

what if EA and every game company made their own clones of steam, each identical to steam, and each as "supposedly" unobtrusive as the other?

would you still run all of them?
^^ You have summed up my feelings exactly. I may not have had such a view if I had a super fast unlimited connection. I would have downloaded the game without much of a thought. But I am on dial up. Even 500 MB is a huge amount of data for me to download.
greenhorn said:
what if EA and every game company made their own clones of steam, each identical to steam, and each as "supposedly" unobtrusive as the other?

would you still run all of them?
An interesting point and exactly what I was thinking about the other day.

One of my major beefs with Steam (apart from the requirement of a fast internet connection) is the 1 extra step it adds to the process of launching a game.
Now if every developer out there embraced digital distribution and came out with Steam clones to accomodate DRM, it would be one nasty scenario. Imagine having to run 5 different apps with 10 games spread evenly across them and having to remember which game resides where.

This is becoming the new "insert disc to play" equivalent. And I am someone who uses no-CD cracks even with legally bought games simply to avoid the headache that is disc juggling. I hate that extra step in the path to sheer convenience nirvana.

Click to launch as opposed to launch Steam > wait for Steam updates > wait for slowass login > wait for game updates > play? Screw all that.
saumilsingh said:
Click to launch as opposed to launch Steam > wait for Steam updates > wait for slowass login > wait for game updates > play? Screw all that.
You can always keep steam in ur startup and save ur password.So No launch steam> No wait for steam updates > No Slowass login> No wait for game updates only double click on game any have fun.This is what i do.Occasionally i do have some problems with game updates when launching because steam didnt autoupdate the game for some reason but thats it..
What's with all the lamers and their I love steam ads? The OP is clearly pointing out how steam is bad for him and all they can contribute is I love...!!!

I prefer to buy my games but I'd hate being laughed by the ppl using pirated games finishing their games by the time I finish installation. Steam is good as an online delivery system but I hate any kind of DRM and forced updates. I remember the hassle I used to have with secure rom when I first jumped to Windows XP 64. The only way I could play my legit games were by installing no-cd cracks!

If Steam were to be optional for a better online experience, I would have no gripes. But in a situation like the OP's? F***k Steam!! Download all drm games from your favourite torrent site!
I used to think steam was bad as well. But then I bought some games off it, and all I needed to do was connect once to run the game (like a single online activation). After that, run steam in offline mode and play the games. It's something I am willing to do to have portability of my games.

Edit: Also, I remember there being a way to disable automatic updates? I'll check at home again and post tonight.
Edit: Also, I remember there being a way to disable automatic updates? I'll check at home again and post tonight.

You right click the game and go properties. Then you disable automatically update this game. :P
^^ Oh thats good to know for people on dial up like me. Thanks !

Another minus point I have found is that you cant sell your steam games !!! Since the CD key is locked to your account, you are basically stuck with the game for life.

I remember I had a game Alone in the dark and it required me to activate the key online. It would not install till the time you validated your key. (Which was fine with me since I did not need to install any software or download any update).

However the game was not up to my liking and I wished to sell it. When I uninstalled it, it connected to the internet again and de registered my key ! So the guy who bought the game from me could install the game without hassles.
mallik said:
@ OP, I think steam allows the install of a game on 3 PCs. Its not infinite, but its still not that bad

thats not true.You can install on as many computers you want but you can login to one PC at a time and play.If you login to a different pc while logged in to another then the previous one logs out. But lately with some securom games on steam u have 5 PC install limit but for other games you have unlimited installs.
.If you login to a different pc while logged in to another then the previous one logs out.

are you sure ? I was under the belief that you get locked out and its bye bye steam account
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