Steam s***s !!!!!

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Yup thats the point of steam. I got a friend sharing my account with him whenever I want to play i log in and he automatically gets kicked and he knows hist time for play is over. :P

Another minus point I have found is that you cant sell your steam games !!! Since the CD key is locked to your account, you are basically stuck with the game for life.

Well you could always find a friend to sell it to ahem ahem... not according to steam policy though.
madmaniac said:
Yup thats the point of steam. I got a friend sharing my account with him whenever I want to play i log in and he automatically gets kicked and he knows hist time for play is over. :P


Dont let the ppl at valve know this or ur account will be banned permanently:bleh:
Dont let the ppl at valve know this or ur account will be banned permanently
LOL well now he he's using the account since I'm concentrating on studies.

I got two accounts one with css,TF2,Garys mod, and another with Orange box just sitting dead waiting to be awakened from their slumber. :)

Also you are not meant to have more than one account according to valve rules. :P
madmaniac said:
LOL well now he he's using the account since I'm concentrating on studies.

I got two accounts one with css,TF2,Garys mod, and another with Orange box just sitting dead waiting to be awakened from their slumber. :)

Also you are not meant to have more than one account according to valve rules. :P

Ya may be u dont care as much since u dont have too many games.I wouldnt try it with my account since i have around 80 games worth a few hundred $s..
Dont know about mutiple accounts thing..Wil have to check but anyway their EULA scares me..They have some scary s**t in their EULA
Ya may be u dont care as much since u dont have too many games.I wouldnt try it with my account since i have around 80 games worth a few hundred $s..

I never cared to buy many games from steam. I used it primarily for playing css zombie mod and once TF2 came out for that only. Man I used to spend so much time on tf2. At least 6hrs a day and on weekends 12-14 hrs continuous play overnight. TF2 had me hooked and still has but I need to study so I purposely didn't get myself broadband. :P
lol, smart move :p

Trust me it was. Damn that thing was addictive. Now that I'm going back to my friends place for the weekend I'm gonna pull an all nighter tf2 with him online on starhub and party mod servers. :P
akatsukireborn said:

I :heart: Steam!:hap2:

Haahahah the very effing reason my Orange Box eats dust, the DVD came out crap. Tried downloading the game on my 256kbps night unlimited connection but that was rather a joke. Dumped the box in some box ... :hap2:
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