Steam s***s !!!!!

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Well I bought a legal copy of Dawn of War II and I practically ripped apart the case as I was desparate to try the new game since I liked the first Dawn of War series so much.

Unfortunately this game requires steam !!! Why the hell do I need some damm spyware software on my computer when I bought a single player game ?

Is there anyway to just allow me to play the game without this annoying software ? Or am I doomed to spend the next few days downloading patches on my 144 kbps connection ? :@
Oh crap ! Now its not taking the intallation from my DVD drive. Instead it is attempting to download the entire 2690 MB from a Steam server !

Estimated time - 1 day 13 hours !!!!!
^^ No even restarting and using another dvd drive doesnt work.

You know I have always told people to stop using pirated games if they can afford legal games. But games like these makes me want to go back to using pirated games. I never felt so frustrated EVER when using a pirated game. Why the hell should I spend 699 bucks of my hard earned money to feel frustrated like this ???
Well steam has its benefits but situations like these can frustate you a lot if you have never used steam....

1) Say I am in Antarctica and I get a laptop and access my account I can download the game and play then and there :).... The game is linked to my account.....

For steam we just pay for the CD key... the DVDs are worthless....

Orange Box DVDs are really bad quality.... imagine paying 1k for DVDs that don't work.... :P....

I wanted to play hl2 directly and was frustrated to go through this when I got it.... and then I played and got addicted to tf2 :rofl:... and loved steam and every minute after that
BF1983 said:
Well I bought a legal copy of Dawn of War II and I practically ripped apart the case as I was desparate to try the new game since I liked the first Dawn of War series so much.

Unfortunately this game requires steam !!! Why the hell do I need some damm spyware software on my computer when I bought a single player game ?

Is there anyway to just allow me to play the game without this annoying software ? Or am I doomed to spend the next few days downloading patches on my 144 kbps connection ? :@

well first of all, the box clearly states that steam is required to play the game. i'm not sure why you're surprised or outraged at the fact when it's written on the box. also, steam isn't spyware... try and keep the hyperbole to a minimum.

as for the problem where steam wants to download the entire game even though you've installed it... i think this was a known issue back when the game released. you can try checking the relic dow2 forums to see how it was resolved. maybe you should just let it download for a while. steam is the only way that content updates are delivered to this game, and so far there have been 3 patches i think. it's entirely possible that steam will patch up your game and allow you to play and you won't need to download the entire game again.

one thing you should know about steam is that it's estimates for downloads are highly inaccurate. in all the time i've used steam, it has never estimated the correct download size even once.

edit : ok i looked into your problem a little bit and as i said, it was a known issue right around the time the game released. there was a 160mb patch that was available as soon as the game went live on steam, so steam will try and download that + the 2 other patches before it will let you play. i'm not sure about the size of the other patches but it's safe to say that you will have to update for a few hours after the dvd installation and before you can play it. maybe you could try leaving it overnight and checking in the morning to see if it's done. if it's not, and you're still convinced that the entire game is redownloading, then you dhould stop the download, right click on the game and delete the local content. apparently changing download locations can help too. this was posted by a relic developer on another forum i visit, so it's worth a try. i can sympathize with your problem... if steam works fine, it's a pretty good system. but it can get frustrating if it starts to misbehave like this.
ronnie_gogs said:

1) Say I am in Antarctica and I get a laptop and access my account I can download the game and play then and there :).... The game is linked to my account.....
Man, you gotta be one hell of a gamer to be going to Antarctica and playing games there :bleh: :bleh: BTW, no heating up issues there :rofl:
ronnie_gogs said:
Well steam has its benefits but situations like these can frustate you a lot if you have never used steam....

1) Say I am in Antarctica and I get a laptop and access my account I can download the game and play then and there :).... The game is linked to my account.....
Well do send me a pic in case u do..
i wanna see a real gamer with no charging points and gloves on his hands and ahem fiddling with a lappy instead of catching fish / training to use chisel and hammer for tinned food. :P
Bad Example..
I used to think steam sucked but once I bought CSS and TF2 from steam I realised what a mistake everyone makes. Alright steam freezes up now and then and has this problem and that but look a bit further.

It brings a community together.

You play with someone online and next time you know exactly where he is due to the friends list.

You loose your game dvd and the key is gone too.. not to worry Its already on steam wherever you go.

Those are just some of the advantages.

To you I recommend unplugging your Internet logging in offline mode and installing.
There is an offline mode in steam, just disconnect ur net and run Steam, it'll ask u confirmation to retry or start in offline mode, start in offline mode and then install the game from the disc.

Get the net back on, steam still stays in offline mode until next steam restart.. let us know what happens =)
Actually steam has come a long way from the annoying POS it was when it was first launched, now its become a gamers best friend
:rofl: I have to admit i gave a really bad example :P but the convenience of having a game linked to my account is a really good feature.....

As everyone suggested login steam goto offline mode and then install the game....
Steam hasnt given me any problems till date. Even when installing games from original discs. . everything proceeds seamlessly.
^^ @iota: have you heard about "Murphy's Law"

@OP: dude try offline activation on steam .. also next time read the fine print when you buy something ..
Your a 100% doing something wrong you should be able to install the game 1st and then the game updates itself. Anyways Steam rocks.
The community features in Steam are nice, but they're only good for multiplayer games.
I still detest any sort of digital distribution that forces me to have an active internet connection to play singleplayer games.

Hard copies forever.
Well I got the game running at last. Thanks to all who pointed me in the right direction. I checked up a lot of forums and finally got my answer.

I needed to delete some entries in the registry and some other stuff. What was frustrating was that it was actually downloading the whole game ! Yes it was downloading 2680 MB on my 144 kbps connection. I think 1 day 13 hours was a very fair assumption on my slow connection.

Also I bought this online and never actually saw the game. I was under the impression only Valve games were on Steam. Thats the reason I never bought the Orange box and why I gave my old copy of Half Life 2 to someone for free. I had to install 1.2 GB of patches for HL2 on my 56 kbps dial up connection and I couldn't play the game unpatched. Wow !

I never had a fast internet connection and hence I do not play online. So I dont like it when steam refuses to allow me to play a single player hard copy game. Thats the whole grouse.

If I was playing CS or TF2 then Steam makes a lot of sense since every game on the server needs to be patched and finding friends is easy. But I bought the game for its single player usage ! What if I had a dial up connection. Any idea how much more I would have had to pay just to play the game offline ?

I know I have really blown this out of proportion but I came home hapy and wanted to relax and play Dawn of War II. What happened however was that I got stuck at the installation itself and at the end of the day my game was not even installed. And I went to sleep utterly frustrated.

Anyways since the issue is resolved, mods can lock this thread if they wish.
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