Street Fighter IV available for the PC?

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F|0ccY said:
Rofl, Seth is a cake walk compared to Gill in SF III Third Strike :P.
I was talking only about SF4 & yeah who can forget Gill. ;)

anyway, i'm having trouble pulling off ultras on my keyboard. i'm hitting the input right but half the time, the game doesn't recognize when i press all 3 keys together. FADCs are even harder. i need to buy a stick :<
Feeling is mutual, but it beats the hell out of using the 360 controller, which is good for nothing. The D-Pad is a complete POS anyway & using the analog is not precise either. I can't seem to get my Super combos at all. The moves list doesn't provide a proper guide.
well the thing is i can pull off things perfectly using a keyboard in Super Turbo which is 10x harder to do than SF4 because of the very very small window you have in that game.

what i mean is, if you are allowed 1 second to input the hadouken motion in SF4, you only have 0.25 seconds in ST (these are random numbers used purely as an example, not the actual values). i have no trouble using the keyboard even for that... it's almost as if SF4 is ignoring my input half the time.

i'm in a standing position with my ultra meter charged... and i hit qcf qcf lp+mp+hp. it doesn't come out. i try the exact same thing again at the same speed and it works. i can't seem to figure out why.

also, this might be a very stupid question, but you DO have your super meter charged before trying a super right? are you aware of 2 separate meters, one for ultras and one for supers?
Yeah, the super meter is like your SA meter in SFIII, builds up as u hit your opponent, the ultra meter builds as you take damage.

The Ultra is pretty easy to pull off, just bind your lp+mp+hp to F and your lk+mk+hk to V, its an option available in the keyboard settings.

But the Shoryuken>FADC>Ultra IS tough and you do need a lot of practice to pull it off on the keyboard, it may be simpler with a stick though.
F|0ccY said:
The Ultra is pretty easy to pull off, just bind your lp+mp+hp to F and your lk+mk+hk to V, its an option available in the keyboard settings.

lol i know this... no thanks :) i'm not noobifying the game further. if we do have tournaments sometime in the future, this won't be allowed. it already isn't the competitive circuit.

it's better to get used to regular key presses as if you decide to switch to an arcade stick at anytime in the future, you will only have 6 buttons at your disposal.
ashr said:
also, this might be a very stupid question, but you DO have your super meter charged before trying a super right? are you aware of 2 separate meters, one for ultras and one for supers?

I had it charged, but can't seem to get the exact combination of keys to get a major combo. I can perform basic Shinkuu Hadoken attacks. If you know how to perform that, could you list the default keyboard combination?

Oh BTW I use Ryu.
you'll have to figure out what moves can be canceled into a super combo.

this isn't like Third Strike where you can cancel almost anything into a Super Art. it's more like Super Turbo which focuses more on methodical strategic play than high damage combos.

in ST and subsequently SF4, it's wiser most of the time to NOT attempt a huge combo and save your meters only for times when you're absolutely certain of hitting.

again in SF4, you have something known as Damage Scaling which reduces damage as your combo gets longer... so the ridiculously hard and long combos you are required to do in the training mode don't actually do much damage at all. you're better off doing staples like Jumping MK, Crouching MK to Shoryuken/Hadouken. keep it basic and work more on things like spacing.

go through this for a good idea on how to play an effective ryu.
this sucks iam in disperate need of a controller only a handfull of charachters can be played using the key board like ken ryu sagat viper efectievely :@

my gfw id is ximpher
Guys little OT , for SF what you guys suggest for PC , Xbox controller or playstation controller ?. Or any other good controller ?
nfsnfs said:
Guys little OT , for SF what you guys suggest for PC , Xbox controller or playstation controller ?. Or any other good controller ?

Sega Saturn USB controller. Buy it from ebay for 1500 bucks. Xbox pad is TERRIBLE for SF. PS pad is better but still not the best option.

A good USB Keyboard is alright if you want to play Shotos and other characters where you don't have 360 motions. PS2 Keyboards are a big no-no. They have terrible input lag.

A new Boss fight maybe? :P
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