Successful PS2 slimline MoD chip found !!

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hey guys this is good news too all who are plannign to buy a ps2 slim as theres now a mod chip finally out in da market which has no compatibility issues with the new slim ps2 model.
the new chip called "M7-GP 688L" is an amazing mod chip for the new ps2 slim.
Heres wht all it can do.


the best part is, u can install the playstation reality media player, plays divX and mpeg-4
no more busted lens and heating problems for the slimline now. also games seem to load a lil quicker in the new slimline.....

also no more hunting for the old fat boy ps2 model which is waay to expensive in da market. :clap:

I'v ne1 intrested in mumbai to buy a modded ps2 slimline with this chip i know a guy, just pm me and i'll giv u his no. address.

cheers all.... :hap2:
p.s - ignore the GP688 "B" from the pic as the "L" chip is the latest one, and thts the one ppl are installing now a days, pics a lil old :)
acc to my techie, the mods for 1400 inclusive of labour n all.
and the new ps2 slimline price varies from place to place from 8k to 9k. :cool2:
Gr8 peice of info.
But still love the old Fatboy coz of its support for HDD.
As games directly load from HDD [HDAdvance] and hence the lens is less used increasing the life of ur PS2.

My uncle uses the old fatboy with 200GB Maxtor and its still working gr8 without
any problems.

I wanted a solution where the ps2 life can be increased , many ppl told me that
the lens is the only component that stops detecting cd's as it grows older so
the HDD is the best solution , no probs if the HDD crashes as we cud always get a
new one but replacing the lens is a problem.

Donno if the slim version can load games from HDD if yes then with this modchip the
slim version is a better deal.

Thanks for the info cowax
have the old fatboy with some stupid mod chip that doesn't autodetect games have to manually restart it, but i'm cool with it at least it plays it. Nice stuff though up there, makes me wanna sell the fatboy for that slim chip combo.
hmmm btw slimline DOES support HDD, infact more data is supported than the fat using the same appz HDadvance n one more...cant recollect its name.
and best part abt this is its network adapter built ps2 online if u have a hathway type connec, whrer u dont need a dialer like in da case of sify ....happy gaming :)
the modded PS2 slim is abailable in chennai for ~7.5-8K ,,,,AFAIK, the modded slim PS@s arrived quite soem time bak
ok can u get me more info abt Ps2 slim hdd support.
Also u sure games can be loaded from HDD on a PS2Slim.
If yes then i have no complaints against it.

also did u face ne sort of probs with PS2 Slimline
^^no problems et all with the slim...i've had a ps2 fest at my place where we played like 14-15 hrs a day for almost 4 days :lol:
and also the slimline heats up lesser than fatboy, and i fell it loads faster than the fatboy (my opinion)
neways, m sorry but atm m in delhi, not back home in bbay, and i have the site bookmarked at my pc.
will give u details as soon as i get back home.k
cowax said:
hmmm btw slimline DOES support HDD, infact more data is supported than the fat using the same appz HDadvance n one more...cant recollect its name.
and best part abt this is its network adapter built ps2 online if u have a hathway type connec, whrer u dont need a dialer like in da case of sify ....happy gaming :)
Sony has not enabled ps2 online servers in India, believe me, i researched a lot on it but several guys who bought the netwrok adapter for the fatby in India found no servers available to play on, in any game, and that's sad :(
hi guys

I have the chip but I don't know how to install it. does anybody have a scheme how to connect the pins?

params7 said:
Sony has not enabled ps2 online servers in India, believe me, i researched a lot on it but several guys who bought the netwrok adapter for the fatby in India found no servers available to play on, in any game, and that's sad :(

But cant u connect to American or European (heck,even Jap) servers?! I was just about to buy an adaptor for Subsistence! :mad: :(

BTW nice find cowax,is it compatible with normal PS2s? If not,which mod chip is the best for it right now,and does anyone know where mod chips are available in Pune? I have a mod chip,but I dunno which it is,and like Params I gotta manually restart it everytime I change games.
Whats this deal about the ps2 slim modchip ? I purchased the ps2 slim more than a year back ! From then Iam using it and its working absolutely fine.It does everything what this modchip does ! So I guess nothing's new here !
@Demon - I sold the fatboy for a new slim one, and it comes with an adapter built-in..i tried some games online, but got a time-out error always, and when i unplugged the modem, it said reconnect the it definitely recognized the connection but as to why it was getting connection timeouts is beyond me!

I'll still try though, there might be possibilty with 3rd party servers and like you said Europ/Jap servers, there might be a way.
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hehe params u doing wrong research re,...i figured out the crap...see it works like this,...every ps2 game when u play online gets authorised by DNAS (Dynamic Network Authentication Service) provided by sony. Now this sh*t is good. It checks ur dvd if its an orginal or a pirated one. Cuz all original ps2 sony dvds are pressed dvds,and they cannot be exatly replicated...theres a cd code which is embedded on them.

Now there is a way around this....its called DNAS patching. m not sure it would be okay discussing the "other" way around in da forums. just google it, or pm me..i'll tell ya.

fyi - i've tried it just once with burnout revenge,...wasnt successful cuz i 'think' i did it wrong. anyways,...everyone says it works, so m still trying, lets keep on !!

p.s anyone got the network setup cd ?? i dint get it with my slimline,...even when i registerd it with sony, they sent me demo game dvd n said it not available in our region.

tho i dont think its a server issue, its a game dvd issue.

pps - also do the network connection test....cuz apparentl;y some new mod chips render the slimline inbuilt adaptor useless... lucky me, mine works :)
lol Covax, i DNA$ patched Smackdown vs Raw 2006! I know that shit, i even posted it here several times but it eventually got deleted.

So i 'patched' SmvsRaw on a new dvd, it works on my ps2, and i still couldn't go online. And even in those unpatched pirated DVD's, the server should return a DNAS identification error code, not a timeout ;)

You don't need a setup CD, all good online games have that setup built in.

Though i think there has to be a way, maybe i configured my modem wrong or something, but i'll definitely give it some more tries and if it ends in a success, i'll let know.
So tell me this: If Iv got a network adapter and an original game,but iv also got a mod chip installed,would it go online or would the mod chip crap it up?
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