Car & Bike suggest me a good audio system for aveo around 25k

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I think he meant Blau HU's are easier to start with for SQ as in cheaper, and if you have a larger budget you could consider the Alpine next.

Don't encourage grey market stuff :P

but the thing is , grey market stuff is available at around 40% less price compared to the B/W stuff. the same way we can get PC H/W much cheaper from the US/SG. And most of the stuff is pretty reliable, so grey market is how the majority of the ICE stuff is sold

Just dont buy Pioneer /kenwood speakers. there is a pretty big chance that they're fake . the electronics and other brand speakers, not much chance
i have 2 cars
1.chevrolet aveo with alpine hu and alpine front sp and rear spk(no amp and woofer)
2.santro (new) without any system

so i am gonna install the alpine speakers(rear and front) in santro.
use the new blaupunkt hu for the santro.
use the alpine hu in the aveo.
now i want to buy a new system for aveo(front spk+rear spk+amp+woofer)
budget is around 20k for front+rear spks+amp+woofer

now ppl plz help me decide the woofer+amp+front+rear speakers

this is what it came down to

jbl rear/sp gto 937ltd Rs.4500 3 way speaker 400w

jbl front/sp gt5 s265c Rs.4500 component set 240w

jbl amp gt5 a604 Rs.6750 or amp GTO504E Rs. 7500

jbl WOOFER GTO1214 Rs.5625

woofer box Rs.900
wiring Rs.1500
rc chord Rs.350

total Rs.23000/-

now plz suggest whether there are any other front component speakers?
also which amp to go for around 7K?

jbl rear/sp gto 937ltd Rs.4500 3 way speaker 400w
it is gto 947 ltd
You already have the HU in place. Now my suggestion is as follows:

Forget front coaxil spks. Go for the components. My pick would be JBL power series or Illusion Electras. The JBL power will set you back around 10k and the electras around 7k (I may be wrong on the electra prices)

The rear can do with decent coaxils- look for round 6" from JBL, Polk or Infinity. The sub can be a JBL as mentioned above or you can also go for a polk. I have hear polks and they sound really great for the money. Please look for a small sub, something like a 10" in a sealed box. 10" is more than enuf for an aveo size car.

For wiring you can go with any of the brands, scoche is what I use.

And please go to a good installer who knows what he is doing, otherwise all the money you put in will be of no use.

I have tried to mix and match on the basis that you would be driving most of the time. Let me know if it is any different.
good lawd you have an alpine HU and speakers ? then dont buy any JBL stuff. period. get some illusion comps for the front- low bass makker or amey can help you with this. -replacing the rears are entirely optional.alpine e types are okayish, and anything better ( r/s/x is above and beyond any jbl, and in infinity territory).

get and amp, get a sub. that should be all you need!

and chord RCA's for 350 bucks ? are you sure ?
jbl front/sp gt5 s265c Rs.4500 component set 240w
so they are component.
also illusion electra are 175w for el6.1 and cost 6.9k and are locally unavailable.

jbl front/sp gt5 s265c Rs.4500 component set 240w or gt0 607c which cost almost the same

jbl amp gt5 a604 Rs.6750 or amp GTO504E Rs. 7500

gonna listen to latest hindi,latest english pop,trance

that is what the dealer has quoted
car cupid,pashan area,pune

donno the exact model of alpine speakers..
but told him to put some decent alpine speakers.
was gonna go for polk rears but didnt like the it(sound was cracking)
here is my final list..
plz correct me if i am headed in wrong direction

f/sp jbl gto 508c Rs.4.5k
r/sp jbl gto 938 Rs.4k
amp jbl a604 Rs.6.5k
woofer gt5 1204bass reflex Rs.7.5k
wiring kit Earthquake Rs.2.6k

total Rs.26900/-
car is aveo
location pune
Man, please go for better front components, its not like your going to change them every year or something. Secondly have personally not heard of earthquake brand of wiring, may be fake please be careful.
greenhorn said:
get some illusion comps for the front- low bass makker or amey can help you with this.

paddydevil said:
where can i get illusion elektra in pune?


the info has been posted earlier, if only you'd cared to read. pm them - amey is in pune and should be able to help

if you'd rather buy them from a shop for MRP, try poona motors
mav2000 thanks

will change my config based on u r recommendation.

also which hu to go for around 6k?

btw increased budget to 31k including hu :)
that looks to be about right...6.6k seems ok. For HU would suggest pioneer 6050, its got all the options a noob would need and some that he will not. Its more than enuf for your current system. You can get it at 9k gray. Or you can go for 5050 which would be around 1.5-2k less in gray.
Illusion Audio Electra EL 6.1 - 6.6k (As per your earlier post)
Ground Zero Titanium GZTW 12MK² Subwoofer - ~ 6k or so, not sure.
JBL GTO1004 Amplifier ~ under 10k , not sure, please check out.
Subwoofer enclosure - ~ 1.5k max
8Ga wiring kit - ~ 3k ( Good one)

Approx - 26k

You are still left with 5k for HU.Look out for Pio HU, you should get some decent ones at a good price.Keep your options open for used Alpines or new blaus as recommended by others.

That should be a decent enough setup since you have specifically mentioned that there would be max 2 persons in the car most of the times.So it makes sense to skip the rears for better fronts,amp,sub,cables etc.

I was waiting for u to turn up in this thread when the car audio thingy came up. :P
gonna get the quote for other products tom morning from Music Corner,Rasta peth.

btw the price for illusion audio el 6.1 is Rs.6600 with b&w.however it is from distributor,so he wont install :(

GZTW 12MK² Subwoofer is for 5.5k

and JBL GTO1004 Amplifier is 11.2k

and gonna install basic rears also.
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