Suggest : Mp3 player

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OK can someone please tell me how do i go about getting the best deal ??

the 20 North price is good[ although the duty free thing confuses me].. but is the site trustworthy ?? is its shipping quick ?? warranty information ??

also one of the reviews was really really bad..

Is ebay my best option ???

Im really tensed coz i hv never shopped online before.. it would be great if someone would tell me what to do or just link me to a tutorial..

FaH33m said:
Rockboxed Fuze >> Clip+ anyday :P The major issue with Clip+ is the battery life , when you have all 320 / FLACs loaded the Clip+ runs out of juice in 6-7 hrs at times .
In that case doesn't getting the 4gb Fuze over the Clip+ makes more sense (as they are listed in ebay for 3.8k and 3.2k respectively)?
20north is also a good one...I had bought couple of items around 100$ each, and they shipped in 10 days of time to Bangalore. The items were also well packaged and not had any issues.
Oh btw, I ordered Sansa Clip and not clip+ since 4 GB is more than enough for me. Is there any SQ difference between both ?

any other major difference between em' apart from the expandable memory option?

Can i apply rockbox to the Sansa clip?
FaH33m said:
Rockboxed Fuze >> Clip+ anyday :P The major issue with Clip+ is the battery life , when you have all 320 / FLACs loaded the Clip+ runs out of juice in 6-7 hrs at times .
I've both, though my Fuze is a Refurb ;)

My Clip+, thus far seems to last a lot more than 6-7 hrs whenever I cared to notice. But you may be right - my observations are random across months. It sometimes goes for 12 hrs on a diet of largely 320kbps and FLACs. But then, I use iBasso T3 with it on and off, so that may be a reason for getting more battery life? No idea!

I did not want to screw up a nice working Clip+ and chose to go for a refurbed Fuze V1 via KMD a few months ago. I don't find any difference in SQ between the RB-ed Fuze and Clip+. I actually prefer the light Clip+ with buttons over the "bulky" wheeling Fuze :)


There is no SQ difference between Clip and Clip+. You can apply Rockbox, but then it's not stable. Rockbox is stable only for Fuze V1. I'd say use the original Firmware for sometime and listen to music. You can always try Rockbox later.
@ Anish

From the various reviews that I read it seems rockbox double[even triples] the battery time.. and increases the SQ greatly..

Im some cases giving upto 16Hrs on flac/320.

Also it has other features like themes , an EQ and games too..

Also from where did u order the clip ??? and at what price ??
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|Anish| said:
Does Rockbox improve the SQ? What exactly does it do?
It's an open source firmware that adds support for multiple file formats, EQ, gapless playback, cross fade, themes, games, UI etc., etc.,

EQ - is one of the best improvements you can get over the Sansa original firmware (OF). Sansas in general sound good out of the box. But they have a terrible EQ. With Rockbox, you can finally EQ to suit the headphone / IEM you use.

May be I've rusted iron ears. From the brief A/B I did with the OF out of the box and RB-ed, I did not find so much of difference in SQ. But, with the additional tweaks and options RB offers, I am sure you will find it easier to tweak and derive your desired sound.

Battery life - I have no idea. Been using RB since Day 1 after the initial tests.

Between Clip and Clip+, I forgot to mention that Clip+ has folder browsing. It also supports 'gapless', though it's not perfect.

Still, I'd suggest you try the player with OF for sometime. I doubt if you'll ever get a "stable" version of Rockbox for Clip/Clip+ considering the # of years since Clip's release. So, you can always go for Rockbox after a few days/hours/minutes after trying the OF ;)
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