Samsung is 22.6 Inch to be precise. Dell S2409W Sucks

ohyeah: it SUCKS) It has 4 x CCFL lights in the screen which cause MAJOR BACKLIGHT BLEEDING in dark or even day time. Which really is frustrating! 2ndly it just has 1000:1 CR and no Dynamic Contrast Ratio (DCR) and yes it DOES MATTER.. dont listen to ppl who dont really know whats DCR and how it helps and just say its a marketing gimmick.
2ndly, dont go for LED monitors yet.. BenQ V2400 is white and kinda not good looking (go for it if u want it in white and wobbly and unstable base). Dell's G2410 (LED) 24" is not worth it coz its the very 1st in the market (same goes with BenQ's V2400) and they do a good job with LED Backlight but their Color arent good at all.. not upto mark and not accurate.. (check out some video reviews, etc etc and you may find ppl just blindly praising Dell coz its Dell, but trust me dont do that.. think urself.. its ur pocket, ur money and valued to you). 2ndly Dell's Policy is crap and sucks ass in all terms. Even if u get a new LCD with a couple of Dead Pixels.. "then you'll have to live with it.. coz their policy says they cant replace it unless its more than 5dead pixels and above all Dealing with Dell Jerks from Dell Delhi (Tech Support) is another headache.. u'd rather die instead of breaking ur head and getting your Blood Pressure high by talking to those idiots". Viewsonic says more than 7 Pixels.. so both are out of question.
You can consider LG's W2343T which is a full 23" HD 16:9 with 30,000:1 DCR (but u'll have to check for its availability).
End of day i'd suggest to simply go for BenQ G2420HD for 10,800/- I bought the same 2 days back after hell lot of homeworks on LCDs. I'd say save some bucks and go for BenQ G2420HD. Think no further. Dell aint the way to go. Unless u wana stick to the beauty of Samsung P2350. And oh well, BenQ G2420HD has HDMI 1.3, VGA and DVI.. rest non has that (accept for Dell S2409W ... btw S2409W is out of production from Dell.. what u'll get is the last of the stocks). BenQ's V2400 is LED but only has VGA and no DVI or HDMI.
...i'd again say.. BenQ G2420HD is the way to go. Dont just get magnetized towards Dell coz just a bunch of ppl blindly supports dell here (or anywhere), coz ultimately u need quality for the amount of money u spending. If your budget is more towards higher side, then consider Dell for their IPS panels.