Suggestions for good anime/manga

Re: Anime Fans

I found the bit with the 13 year old offensive but I really don't care about nudity in general. I mean I care but not the animated variety anyway :D
Re: Anime Fans

Started watching Twelve Kingdoms; its been excellent so far. In fact I'm really surprised that more people haven't mentioned this one before.
Re: Anime Fans

Finished watching Ghost Sweeper Mikami. Was a good series.

Started watching Battle Programmer Shirase. Is quite good.
Re: Anime Fans

1.Initial D
2.Yu Yu Hakusho
3.Fate Stay Night
These 3 are must to watch if u finishing watching Naruto and DBZ and Full Metal Alchemist......
Re: Anime Fans

Finished 12 Kingdoms; apart from the second arc which was a bit boring the series was excellent. Great animation and art and rich stories. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.
Re: Anime Fans

Finished Amatsuki. It felt dull and uninteresting overall. Also there was no ending, so maybe another season is in the works...

Started watching BlueSeed. Three episodes later dont feel like watching it. Dull. Watching it since i dont have anything else. :(
Re: Anime Fans

Hi guys, I'm an avid anime fan and have been so for very long. Here's a list of the stuff I've seen :eek:hyeah:

Watched anime:



Afro Samurai

Blood: The Last Vampire

Code Geass

Code Geass R2

Cowboy Bebop + movie

Darker Than Black season 1

Death Note

Dragonball + Dragonball Z

Eden of the East


Flame or Recca

Full Metal Alchemist

Full Metal Panic!

Get Backers

Ghost 07

Gundam 00

Howl's moving castle

Inu yasha

Macross Frontier

Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam


Ghost in the Shell: SAC

Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig

Gundam SEED

Gundam SEED Destiny

Gurren Lagann


Hellsing OVA



Robotech - all seasons: my first anime!

Spice & Wolf season 1 & 2

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (14 episodes-2006)


Weekly series:



Darker Than Black season 2

Dragonball Kai


In progress:



Outlaw Star

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - (14 episodes-2009)

In queue:



Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

Gundam Wing


Tokyo Magnitude
Re: Anime Fans

basilisk is average...the usual ninjas-with-superpowers fight other ninja-with-superpowers

seirei no morinito is very good
Re: Anime Fans

^^ try 12 Kingdoms (though I'm guessing you probably have considering the number of anime you seem to watch). Its is somewhat similar in tone but with more action and monsters.
Re: Anime Fans

^^ way to go :D. People who watch Champloo after Bebop tend to get a bit underwhelmed, but this way things can only get better.
Re: Anime Fans

ive watched 12 kingdoms twice and have the first book of the series also :p

people can try 'serial experiment lain' for a dose of cyberpunk