Suggestions for good anime/manga

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Re: Anime Fans

guys you have to watch this anime called Baccano

and also afrosamurai is great rite now iam watching pumpkin scissors
Re: Anime Fans

^ Ergo Proxy is kinda confusing in first 10-12 episodes. After that the story starts to make sense. I've yet to watch the full series.

Bounen no xamdou - no idea. Dont have it yet.
Re: Anime Fans

Divergence Eve - 3/10
& its sequel, Misaki Chronicles : Divergence Eve - 3/10

couldn't watch more than 3 episodes of each. waste of time. :annoyed:
Re: Anime Fans

Finished Bounen no Xamdou. It dragged in parts but had a really nice conclusion which seems to be the case for all animes with single season runs and good production value(Bebop, Moribito etc).

Definitely worth watching if you enjoyed stuff like Moribito but not as good as it.
Re: Anime Fans

Man!! I need some anime which are similar to elfen lied.. i mean cute, cheksi innocent looking dangerous gals with a good story, blood scenes similar to elfen lied.. not like one is barking like hell with his big sword.. and barking again and again.. berserk is kind of Ok, but I liked "elfen much better then berserk" personal taste :P
Re: Anime Fans

Whoa... finished watching Darker Than Black. Niceeeee. Though, it's not as Dark in nature as the title may suggest, it's a still pretty good and gripping.

Now watching The Law of Ueki... story might not be very brilliant, but overall anime is fast paced and happening. It certainly keeps viewers interest and man, it's quite funny too.
Re: Anime Fans

iGo said:
Whoa... finished watching Darker Than Black. Niceeeee. Though, it's not as Dark in nature as the title may suggest, it's a still pretty good and gripping.

Now watching The Law of Ueki... story might not be very brilliant, but overall anime is fast paced and happening. It certainly keeps viewers interest and man, it's quite funny too.

Thanks for the suggestion of darker than black, love the storyline. Currently am watching full metal alchemist-brotherhood and darker than black, both are simply awesome :)

Hmm too bad I ignored anime till some months back :hap5:
Re: Anime Fans

I finished watching Death Note . Did anyone care to see that one ? I mean its like one of the best anime ever made . Darker Than Black is also good . Saw it on Animax . And another good one is Get Backers , a must watch . The story is pretty good .
Re: Anime Fans

ghibli movies are too good. i could watch them any amount of times.

currently finished watching Your'e Under Arrest 1st season. have just started watching Darker than Black.
Re: Anime Fans

ubergeek said:
1.darker than black
2.ranma 1/2
3.inu yasha
4.ghost in the shell
5.melancholy of haruhi suzhimiya
6.full metaal alchemist
7.afro samurai
8.rurouni kenshin
9.cowboy bebop girl arjuna
11.the vision of escaflowne
12.full metal panic
13.macross plus suit gundam
15.flame of recca

and the list goes on and on these are the animes that i like

good effort man, thx ;)
Re: Anime Fans

Just finished watching Afro Samurai series. I recommend it to all those who love animes like Samurai Champloo, Rurorini Kenshin etc.,

Next in line:
1. Ninja Scroll
2. Shigurui.

Timepass anime I am watching on the side is: Lucky Star (Will see the last episode tonight)

Next in Queue
1. Itazura Na Kiss
2. Makai Senki Disgaea

I wanted to watch Haruhi Suzumiya but the episode list (at wikipedia) has me super confused. Has anyone seen this Anime and can they guide me on how to go about watching this anime.
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