Suggset some non boring books

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Akshitmohan said:
Gonna pick up Not a penny more not a penny less.

:ohyeah: good choice..awesome novel..n short enuf to finish in a day..:lol:

You can also check out Dan Brown's Digital fortress..timepass stuff..for starters, its a good fast novel..

Btw, the end cud have been better, acc. to me...;)
Find some Frank Miller comics to read.. 300, Batman: Dark Knight Returns, DK Strikes Again and Year One are all recommended..
Angels and demons , Da vinci code ,Fedric forsyth afghan.
If you wanna time pass, watch tom & jerry on you tube or play your favourite startegy game.
kippu said:
one more for that one .....

"hi , i am randy .... still?????"
its my fav book to gift others
The restaurant manager had me in splits. "Sir, I assure you all our cows are completely non religious" :rofl:
he wants fun books :bleh:

Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance by Roger Pirzig

Deep, intense and philosophical

..for a tech site can't believe no one has mentioned it yet.
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