Rahul said:hmmm ..... i have also got VSNL one for 4.2k initially and 600 per month for 2Mbps unltd...... speeds are not that great here, i am getting 200-1500kbps depending upon time. maybe network is not good here but for surfing it gr8 , far far better than the crappy phone connection
varkey said:Average 180kBps :O :O
Im not getting that much.It shows full signal but I get speeds above 100kBps only at night.
aruka said:^ any intro plan with no FUP in cochin?
or is the same sh***y FUP still in all plans?
Rockfella said:200-1500kb or kB???? kb is too slow :S
Use IDM, i took a demo of Relience 3.2 MBPS connection. It gave me 200+ average and sometimes it spiked to 300+kB! Though signal strength varies from place to place.
chitraksh said:yes tata photon+ has a very limited access areas.. even here in punjab its available only in chandigarh
so coolraghav are u interested in selling it or wot??