TE needs more moderators - Update: New Mods Announced | Community Rep Nomination OPEN

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Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

CA50 said:
I thouht the result would be out today, but no, keeping my finger crossed till sunday

Well then, it seems you missed this post :)

Renegade said:
Bumping the thread for visibility. Have received a lot of nominations. Keep them coming. We will try to finalize this by Sunday morning so lets keep Friday 12PM as the cut off date.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

Best of luck to all the people who have nominated themselves...
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

@Renegade, can you update the number of nominees for each section

@eternoMind ,Oops, i missed that post, thanks for bringing it to my notice :)
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

CA50 said:
@Renegade, can you update the number of nominees for each section

have some patience man. If you have nominated yourself and are chosen, then you will require a lot of patience to deal with the responsibilites.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

pr0ing said:
have some patience man. If you have nominated yourself and are chosen, then you will require a lot of patience to deal with the responsibilites.
thanks for your advice mate, i am not impatient, just asked the mod to update the list as they have done before.
It has nothing to do with my nomination or patience.m
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

Alright fellows the voting is done, the results discussed and the mods finalized. We had been at it for hours and in fact days. Except for two sections, the other sections were pretty close and we had a hard time finalizing. As mentioned earlier, if you are not selected then please don't feel discouraged. We had a hard time because your daily contributions do not go unnoticed.

As for the results, if you see a Section Mod tag next to your name in coming few days then you know you are a mod. When you access the staff section (yes a newly opened section at the end of the home page) you will be greeted by a welcome thread. Read that to find out the section for which you have been selected. You will also find some guidelines which you need to follow for using your mod powers.

Congrats and Welcome to the Staff! Hope you stay as active as you have promised to be in your nominations. :D

PS: Now you will get a taste of your own medicine. Your good days criticizing the staff are now over.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

^ You guys not gonna declare names in this thread ?
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

@Renegade - I can't find any Staff section. Is that already opened?? Or is it like that I'm not selected, that's why I can't see that section. BTW posting the result here would be better I think. :)
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

The new mods haven't been given mod privileges yet. Only then will the staff section show up. Safin has to change the privileges for these guys, so it should take a couple of days time.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

logistopath said:
The new mods haven't been given mod privileges yet. Only then will the staff section show up. Safin has to change the privileges for these guys, so it should take a couple of days time.
Thanks :)

@Renegade If possible please post the result here :P
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

Overall 53 people nominated themselves for these 11 positions. Many of you have opted for multiple sections and some for only one.

In a few cases members with very high overall votes across all sections did not get selected as their votes were spread thin across sections. I think those who were specific with what they want got the upper hand here.

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krishnandu said:
@Renegade If possible please post the result here :P
And kill the suspense? :P
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

Like renu mentioned, a few candidates knew exactly which section they were strong in, and chose their options wisely. And most of the time, they were the right candidates for the sections they chose.
I can't reveal anything more, lest I kill the suspense. :P
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

you guys are enjoying teasing the candidates :P
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

guys please put up the names of the new mods

and congrats to all of them :)

cheers guys :)
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

@mods, we are dying of suspens:(

congrats to all the new modso
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

You all can still nominate yourself for the post of Community Representative since there will be a public voting to determine the winner.

Please make a thread in the Drafts forum under Work in Progress section and detail out why should everyone vote for you. Only you and staff members can see your thread. We will later make a voting thread and copy your canvas post there for everyone to read and vote.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

So is it people nominated and you selected amongst them to go for public voting ? I thought the mods are already by existing mods
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

^The new mods were selected by existing mods. We have one new post called TE Community Representative who will be elected by a public poll.
Re: TE needs more moderators - Please nominate yourself

All in all it was fun (whether you get selected or not) for the applicants & the mods. If they tease so much now, wonder how much they will pull the newcomers legs afterwards :|
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