Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote needed)

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Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

This is a prelude to joining politics. Tie up or start fresh. Both ways the party (whichever that is) benefits. They can then usher in a new era of corruption
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

Will like to vote for a person with clean image. But will political parties give tickets to such a person?
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

^ Why not? Just imagine BJP giving a ticket to Anna and his team. They will need to invest for 3 people, but in return, they get back to power, and earns thousands of crores. Moreoever, once these guys are pulled into politics, there is little they can do to backstab any of them.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

There is a voting poll created .Please use it.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

agantuk said:
^ Why not? Just imagine BJP giving a ticket to Anna and his team. They will need to invest for 3 people, but in return, they get back to power, and earns thousands of crores. Moreoever, once these guys are pulled into politics, there is little they can do to backstab any of them.

I don't think so. Knowing how steadfast and stubborn Anna can be, no political party can think of taking a chance with that. Possibly Anna will have to come up with a new party. But if at all I have to choose between two evils, I will have to vote for BJP - don't see a choice there.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

We need to have another option in that poll.

"I don't support Anna and none of the political parties in the country are eligible."

All political parties in our country are corrupt and while Anna himself may not be corrupt in the exact same fashion, he is still a lot worse than the entire lot of politicians. The common people are no saints either and they are all corrupt in their own fashion.

Why do the so called corrupt political parties (be it Congress or BJP) wins elections? Is it because most of the common people are selling their votes? If either one of these are not corrupt why is that they they are always ready to be ousted at the immediate next elections.

Ultimately where are we left? Most of the common people are selling for votes for money or booze or any other caste/religion/region biased favors. The slightly more sincere citizens are faced with a stalemate. None of the parties are worthy enough to to be in power, so they are left with the option of not voting at all or compromising their principles and vote for the best of the worst?
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

He is too small to make a difference in the long run. BJP will do the same thing if they come to power. Then Anna will say don't vote for BJP and Congress. Then some crap party comes to power. They too will do the same thing. Then Anna will say, "Bye Bye".

Only if youths come into power, we can atleast hope for a less-corrupted India.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

Lord Nemesis said:
We need to have another option in that poll.

"I don't support Anna and none of the political parties in the country are eligible."

All political parties in our country are corrupt and while Anna himself may not be corrupt in the exact same fashion, he is still a lot worse than the entire lot of politicians. The common people are no saints either and they are all corrupt in their own fashion.

Why do the so called corrupt political parties (be it Congress or BJP) wins elections? Is it because most of the common people are selling their votes? If either one of these are not corrupt why is that they they are always ready to be ousted at the immediate next elections.

Ultimately where are we left? Most of the common people are selling for votes for money or booze or any other caste/religion/region biased favors. The slightly more sincere citizens are faced with a stalemate. None of the parties are worthy enough to to be in power, so they are left with the option of not voting at all or compromising their principles and vote for the best of the worst?

I do agree on some points but its not entirely true.

At least anna has given us a hope .

People started taking interest in voting . Things will definitely change after the recent campaigns by team anna.

"he is still a lot worse than the entire lot of politicians."

I m not sure over What made you think like this. It would be great if you give at least one name we can trust on.

I think its a height of Pessimism.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

carbonn said:
He is too small to make a difference in the long run. BJP will do the same thing if they come to power. Then Anna will say don't vote for BJP and Congress. Then some crap party comes to power. They too will do the same thing. Then Anna will say, "Bye Bye".

Only if youths come into power, we can atleast hope for a less-corrupted India.

I don't think it has to do with age but the willingness to change things.

Before anna how many youth came forward?

It was anna who made us arguing in this thread.

He has lighten up the candle now its our job to keep it that way.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

Lord Nemesis said:
We need to have another option in that poll.

"I don't support Anna and none of the political parties in the country are eligible."

All political parties in our country are corrupt and while Anna himself may not be corrupt in the exact same fashion, he is still a lot worse than the entire lot of politicians. The common people are no saints either and they are all corrupt in their own fashion.

Why do the so called corrupt political parties (be it Congress or BJP) wins elections? Is it because most of the common people are selling their votes? If either one of these are not corrupt why is that they they are always ready to be ousted at the immediate next elections.

Ultimately where are we left? Most of the common people are selling for votes for money or booze or any other caste/religion/region biased favors. The slightly more sincere citizens are faced with a stalemate. None of the parties are worthy enough to to be in power, so they are left with the option of not voting at all or compromising their principles and vote for the best of the worst?

you just spoke my mind.none of the parties are saints , but still cant we at least choose the lesser evil
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

ubergeek said:
you just spoke my mind.none of the parties are saints , but still cant we at least choose the lesser evil

Exactly Just like we buy vehicle regardless of bad condition of indian roads.

BTW how do i change the poll now?
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

Arguing here will not do anything. I've seen many youngsters at Freedom Park, Bengaluru during the fast. Most of them came in fancy bikes, had jazzy gizmos and they were saying i'm proud to be a Anna supporter. Do they really know if the money that bought all those things, was earned through rightful means. I don't think so. It has become a fashion to say that "I support Anna. I'm against Corruption and $h1t". After few days, do continue bribing the traffic policemen.

Who knows what motive Anna has. If he really has good intentions, then he has to be more aggressive. We have to put the words into action.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

carbonn said:
Arguing here will not do anything. I've seen many youngsters at Freedom Park, Bengaluru during the fast. Most of them came in fancy bikes, had jazzy gizmos and they were saying i'm proud to be a Anna supporter. Do they really know if the money that bought all those things, was earned through rightful means. I don't think so. It has become a fashion to say that "I support Anna. I'm against Corruption and $h1t". After few days, do continue bribing the traffic policemen.

Who knows what motive Anna has. If he really has good intentions, then he has to be more aggressive. We have to put the words into action.

Why does it always have to be somebody else's job? People that feel so strongly about something should go out there and do something about it but just like our very indian nature, all we do is sit around and talk about what other people should be doing.

The kids at Bangalore who were at the Freedom Park did their part. How can any of us question their motives and pass judgement? People complain when the public doesn't do anything and then when they actually do something, they complain that it wasn't done right.

The problem with this country has always been about how highly opinionated people are while not really have the fortitude to do what it takes to make things happen. Nobody wants to do the dirty work!

Corruption in this country exists to such a large extent today simply beacuse we don't care beyond our own selfish needs and also because almost every single person in this country (yes that includes you and me) is corrupt. Ask yourself how many times you have broken the law and how many times it actually bothered you that you did? See the comparision for yourself.

Weeding out corruption should start from within. That's truly the only way we will ever overcome it.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

chiron said:
when in doubt vote independent :D
AFAIK almost all independents are congress proxies who try to cash in on anti incumbency.
Re: Team anna's new campaign Ban Congress (Your vote neeeded)

Satan said:
Why does it always have to be somebody else's job? People that feel so strongly about something should go out there and do something about it but just like our very indian nature, all we do is sit around and talk about what other people should be doing.
If one was in a position to start a protest, one would definitely do.

Satan said:
The kids at Bangalore who were at the Freedom Park did their part. How can any of us question their motives and pass judgement? People complain when the public doesn't do anything and then when they actually do something, they complain that it wasn't done right.
Just doing it for one day is nothing. It's really of no use. Only the people who sold placards, flags, stickers made some benefit. I'm not saying what they did was wrong, what i meant to say is that it takes more than just sitting at a fast to make a change.

Satan said:
The problem with this country has always been about how highly opinionated people are while not really have the fortitude to do what it takes to make things happen. Nobody wants to do the dirty work!
We just can't leave our jobs and do the dirty work. For that one has to be ready to make sacrcifices regarding his personal/proffessional life.

Satan said:
Corruption in this country exists to such a large extent today simply beacuse we don't care beyond our own selfish needs and also because almost every single person in this country (yes that includes you and me) is corrupt. Ask yourself how many times you have broken the law and how many times it actually bothered you that you did? See the comparision for yourself.
No system can exist if it is corruption free. There has to be some amount of corruption. But, it should be in such a way that the common people benefit from it. Only the babus should not get all the benefits. I agree. I'm no different from the rest.
Satan said:
Weeding out corruption should start from within. That's truly the only way we will ever overcome it.
I agree.

At least we are discussing it means that we are thinking almost in the same way. The only difference of opinion is regarding the way how to achieve it.
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