I do play in 3rd person view. I don't know how folks play it in FPS mode! But don't kill me for that.
kvikram said:How do I pull back the camera in third person view on X360 controller?
Gannu said:Unfortunately that cannot be done AFAIK. If you draw a weapon, the camera pans a bit back making the view slightly better. When you sheathe the weapon, it goes back to more like the over-the-shoulder perspective. Which is why I tend to go around with the weapon drawn. Consumes a bit more stamina but I wouldn't mind that.
Freaky said:Errr.. I did find the way to move back the camera after messing with the controller a bit. Don't remember now but it did involve pressing down one of the analog sticks (gives you a click) and using one other key to pull back (forgot which)
This just saved me 55 hours. I accidentally tried to add a new companion while having Adela the Huntress still as an existing companion, main quest line almost got owned.Gannu said:
I love this. Mara's blessings upon the both of you.jc36lect3r said:I am using this.
SkyUI at Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim Mods and community
Far better than the normal invetory, you guys should try it out.
Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim Mods and communityDark Star said:Any good mods that you guys recommend ? Need to enhance the graphics on the game.
I've found it out! Hold down the right stick button while moving the left stick forward or backward.Gannu said:Pressing the right analog stick switches the view from first-person to third-person. I'll fiddle with the controls and see if this is possible.![]()
damn said:On a different note, its a shame that RPG makers play such cheap tricks to prolong playtime, the misclicks on the pc version while using inventory is the worst aspect of the game.
kvikram said:I've found it out! Hold down the right stick button while moving the left stick forward or backward.
OT: I like to keep a pillow on my lap while playing with the X360 controller so that I can rest my hands on it. Do you guys do the same, or do you hold the controller up in the air?