Everything in this universe is inter connected.The ripple effects of changing history would be beyond repair, even 1 small action could change the entire future.
If you've seen Back to the Future you'll get my drift
Besides who knows changing the past could erase you from the future.
So if a leaf falls here it will create a ripple effect across the universe that's why we use bells while doing puja to inform the Supreme consciousness or God.
So think that from the future beings are coming to warn us today so that their present will be changed.
Look up chaos theory or butterfly effect.
Hitler tried to erase the Jews but look what happened to him and his Nazis though who supported him still are running their financial empires. This is the absolute truth of this world today.
It's the 1% elite or cabal which is or trying to control the remaining 99%.
So I will stand with the 99%. Give them a chance against this bloodshed.
If even 1% is creating such a bloodshed imagine what might happen if it increases another 10% or more.
It's even frightening to imagine also. This is what I learnt from several sources like magazines, YouTube videos etc.