The Android Sham

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red dragon said:
Oye!I also wanted to say what`s the point?If one can barely use the superphone for less than 12hrs on a single charge with everything running.

I am on 2.3.6(gs2,stock ROM,custom kernel)and the battery still sucks royally without any tweak(CM7 is even worse,in fact it is pathetic to say the least)

Didn't look that way to me. Apologies for misunderstanding your earlier comment :)
It`s ok pal!

This gs2 is probably my last droid as ICS seems to be as immature as the previous releases and I can not care less about those thousand and thousand of apps in android market(hell!!even the android market is still buggy!!)
Whats my point is that "Android is definitely not a Sham" ..IMHO if u want to taste a good android experience should buy a android phone >18k..:)
but there also Defy is an exception bcs as a midrange device its has great potential device and with customrom it simply rocks..:ohyeah:

Its true that android is also available for cheap prices but we cn say tht its jus an "android" bcs of small screen,less ram,cheap procy,no gpu..we are nt getting the true power of android with tht device..!so obviously people complain abt su** tht..its not bcs of the android OS.. it is opensource..companies develop their own platform and sell for cheaper prices in the name of android with lower specs mobile and cheap build quality..cant blame android for tht..all is abt market tricks..past years they cant do tht no smartphone os was opensource :D now android is..
So wht 'm saying is tht if want to buy a midrange device other thn android dere are lot of options win7,symbian,bada etc..try tht ..for a high end device say >18 or 20k if want to try android u cn definitely buy an android u wont regret..:hap2:

Comparing android with others no other mobileos other than android offers this much customization..we cn change launcher from fonts..installing custom yea its "UNIQUE"..when we purchase a device for 20k we want tht owner power for customization not jus looking the device..if get bored try some custom roms,tweak it,mod it..all u cn do with android..;)

My device is SE Neo V(my first android)..very much happy with it..yup done all sort of customization..very much impressed..:D if i buy a Symbian for tht price i cant do all this..if there is bug i have to wait for next android any bug it can be asked in forums or try custom roms.. yea dere are lot of options with android tht Symbian or other mobileos dnt offer..(no offend guys jus saying my opinion)

^^I can understand your excitement

It is your first enjoy!

BUT android stutters(infrequently though) even in 30k superphones,with dual core procy,1GB RAM and what not!

It was same 3 years ago,it is same now and it will probably lag even with quads.

I do not like iphone because of the itunes thing,but a 2 gen old 3gs does not lag even with i.o.s5.

Even the most hardcore fandroid knows,android lacks optimization and it has a long long way to go.
Android lacks optimisation, iPhone lacks budget options, WP7 lacks basic things (volume control, custom ringtones, avi-mkv support), symbian lacks support from its makers :P.

Pick your poison.
I upgrade phones when they start falling apart.

From my perspective, I replaced a 25k (then) Nokia N85 with a 15k Sony Ericsson X10 Mini Pro.

I lost four things - the awesomely usable Nokia interface (a step down IMO from the older S40), a very good media player, good battery life and the brilliant OLED screen.

I got a huge (by my standard) collection of free/paid apps, a keyboard for SMS (at last!) and a phone that works when I need it to. Also, 32GB of memory and very good audio hardware (leagues ahead of the Nokia's) along with a cheap app meant I have a capable music player that can pair with mid-fi equipment.

I wouldn't have cared if it was Android or Symbian or Simian.
zhopudey said:
Android lacks optimisation, iPhone lacks budget options, WP7 lacks basic things (volume control, custom ringtones, avi-mkv support), symbian lacks support from its makers :P.

Pick your poison.

Landline FTW :P
The debate rages on!!!!! Its not wise to blame windows7 when you want to run it on intel atom netbook,don't fret or throw tantrums because you can't afford i5 or i7 processor and 42 inch hi def monitor! Then complain windoes ecosystem is a sham because your netbook can't run crysis.

Buy used hardware or be smart and tone down your expectations from humble hardware.Be smart and learn to tweak windows through forums and knowledge!You will definitely enjoy the effort you put in! doesn't everyone on this forum like to tweak their windows rigs for optimal performance?

Some guys are totally happy buying netbooks as it lets them run basic tasks on win 7 and lets them burn cash on something else-Bike,car audio,travel or my personal favourite-- DSLR camera gear!

I am all for choice and competition.Nokia never could have done what google did with symbian.
@drsingh, you probably misunderstood the topic.

Android lags even with the best of HW, it lacks optimization, even ics did not fix everything(probably it will always remain slightly unstable)

Sent from Galaxy S2
I think personally It all boils down to "The level of lag" deemed acceptable or unacceptable to a person.

Person A may be coming from WP7/iOS/Feature phones may find Android vast yet clunky

Person B mostly coming from Symbian/Feature OS may find Android Clunky but may also think,"What the Heck,This is cheapest device that allows me to play Inortia on It"

Person C is the average TE Android Fanboi. :ohyeah:

a)He likes clunky Android,So that He can scout XDA for Tweaks,Lagfixes and scripts.

2)The one who always uses the latest nightly for any droid and also makes it a point to remind everyone of that fact by putting it in his signature in all the forums.

3)If you manage to lay your hand upon such person phone,Invariably when you "Long press" on a text area,and select "Input method" :- 4 different keyboards pop up.

4)The image gallery , when it gets warmed up and finally opens contains screenshots of "Quadrant benchmark", Frequently with Asimo featuring in it.

5)Then finally one day With a state of panic, He finds out that He has done everything that he could have done,Tried all the Roms on XDA, Tried Both the Recoveries, Hell tried even the German Roms from Panic slowly gives way to depression.. and then .........
I think I am personally in transition between stage B and stage C.
Hope I never enter the Stage C...

^^Brilliant post, love the way you added a touch of sadness to the android madness.

I am definitely in the last stage.

Sent from Galaxy S2

awesome post! :lol: 3rd stage of TE android fanbois :rofl:

I think Microsoft has a real good opportunity here to fill the void with an OS which is as feature rich as Symbian/android but also has smooth and consistant UX like iOS. If MS adds the basic missing features such as blutooth transfer, volume control, mass storage mode, better custom ringtone support etc. in Tango and come up with handsets within 10-15k, they can really disrupt (android fanbois, pls dont read it as WP7 will be no. 1 in market share) the android dominance within a year. But I think MS is going to blow this golden opportunity by blindly following Apple's model and as a result android will remain at the top for quite some time (not coz its awesome, but just due to lack of any alternative features-wise)
RVK2488 said:

awesome post! :lol: 3rd stage of TE android fanbois :rofl:

I think Microsoft has a real good opportunity here to fill the void with an OS which is as feature rich as Symbian/android but also has smooth and consistant UX like iOS. If MS adds the basic missing features such as blutooth transfer, volume control, mass storage mode, better custom ringtone support etc. in Tango and come up with handsets within 10-15k, they can really disrupt (android fanbois, pls dont read it as WP7 will be no. 1 in market share) the android dominance within a year. But I think MS is going to blow this golden opportunity by blindly following Apple's model and as a result android will remain at the top for quite some time (not coz its awesome, but just due to lack of any alternative features-wise)
because windows must be demanding much money from cell phone makers but android is available for free for them
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