I don't expect a entire new game with innovative gameplay mechanics but at least do not copy so shamelessly. Like:Ethan_Hunt said:Innovative in what sense? Enemies? Storyline? Graphics? Boss battles? Everything?
Woee, I don't think myself as some hardcore gamer who likes to game on really difficuly setting. In fact, i am not even good. The problem is not the challenge, the problem was everything I saw in this game was a terrible version of great things i saw before. That's why I said, i need to play a really boring game before I could digest this. Maybe, if I had played this game before GoW series, I would have enjoyed it.Ethan_Hunt said:That didn't really answer my question, but what I could gather from your post was that none of the elements were challenging enough for you, am I right?
1) The red and green orbs.
2) the filling up of meter (like Rage of Sparta)
3) combat is word to word copy of God of War. Why no variation? The combat mechanics of Prince of Persia along with GOW would have been more better for a Scythe. What happend to Ninja Gaiden Sigma style combat?
4) fixed camera
5) quick time gamplay for finishing moves.
6) level and art design is also copied from GoW series.
7) puzzles
8) boss battles
9) The guy who tells where you are is basically doing the role of the book which you encounter in GOW.
In Inferno, Virgil is in his element. He knows the ins and outs of these otherwordly realms. He knows to throw dirt in Cerberus' face to get around the watchdog, he knows to call Geryon for transportation, he even knows that Lucifer presents very little physical threat to the two travellers, and he is always explaining things to Dante. For two canticles he rarely lets Dante leave his side. In this very basic sense, Virgil is a guide: protective, gently explanatory, alert, cautious, savvy, and trustworthy.
And you expect to treat this game as stand alone ?
IMO it IS. And yes, the Uncharted franchise surely is leaps and bounds ahead of many other games it may have copied the ideas from.dinjo said:Don't tell me Uncharted is in own league , it borrows game ideas from lot of games very HEAVILY but the good part is it also executes them very well.
Cheers buddy! It's good to have constructive critisims flowing in. That's what makes the discussion more interesting. Anyhoo, I'd suggest playing it after you go through some variations. If you don't like it at all, then don't force it. Chuck the game and move onto something better.sugat123 said:Well, thanks Ethan for a reply. I thought nobody would read my such a lengthy post. I honestly wanted to treat as stand alone, that's why I bought the game. But I didn't have any fun playing it. Maybe, I will try it later.
With 2011 on, the statement becomes redundant.Ethan_Hunt said:Chuck the game and move onto something better.