The Dark Knight Rises

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TDK prologue by a long shot. The TDKR one seemed a bit derivative.

Spacescreamer said:
Anne a behenji ? :O

Come to U.P and have your definition of behenji adjusted
Maybe the definition was lost in translation but what I mean is that she looks too wholesome to play a femme fatale. But maybe I am wrong, also tbh I don't really care that much.
The Dark Knight Rises


103 Days Remain
The Dark Knight Rises is rated PG13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language.

AFAIK, this is only Nolan film rated PG 13 for sensuality. Interesting.
I booking a ticket in IMAX Hyderabad, and going all the way on a bike there to watch this movie. Can't wait.
Pre-booking has started already? Will need to book one for the Wadala IMAX. Shall check the web if anything is available for the first week first.

July 20 is a long shot from now! I am looking forward for June 8th.
Pre-booking has started already? Will need to book one for the Wadala IMAX. Shall check the web if anything is available for the first week first.

July 20 is a long shot from now! I am looking forward for June 8th.

Nothing on BMS....
The final trailer:


The avengers

TD Rises



2012 is gonna be good it seems
... knock on the wood..

A pretty good trailer. (was this the one shown during Avengers' screening abroad ?)
Nolan and Bale gotta be nuts to kill off Batman.
In the comic, Bane only broke Batman's back. There's no confirmation of Batman being killed. At least, till now.

All said and done, I don't suppose Tom Hardy can match Heath Ledger in terms of portraying that dreaded villain.
I'm going for this without any expectations, i want this to surpass TDK but the bar is set too high.
All prepared for a marathon next weekend before i go watch this, In Nolan we trust.
Better do that.
You never know if Nolan has a tease in there somewhere about the next Batman movie :)

This is 'The Dark Knight Rises', not Avengers. Nolan is above such tricks. He refused to make it in 3D. As he has said earlier, this is the end, the grand finale. WB will make another Batman movie , no doubt. But it will be without Nolan as director and Bale as Batman.
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