The Definitive N900 Thread

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@TechHead: do you know what the price range is expected?

It could be too late anyway, I guess now most people will wait for the N9xx next gen model... but I would still like to own "the original" :D
vishalrao said:
@TechHead: do you know what the price range is expected?

It could be too late anyway, I guess now most people will wait for the N9xx next gen model... but I would still like to own "the original" :D

25k +/- 2k :)

and god knows when N9xx will be announced and when it will be available in India :)
The fone's listed on nokia india website as coming soon.
I'll buy it again as soon as its released in India.
This is the 1st fone that I've missed after selling it.
buy it again?!

ok, another question. do you know if the "indian version" of the N900 (if there will be such a thing) will be crippled thanks to govt regulation (like disable FM transmitter, VOIP apps etc) i think its not likely/possible but i worry if the device will be limited/cut down in some way...?
I don't think so. The government may whine and cry all it wants about VOIP, but it cannot do much about it. Tons upon tons of gadgets have those features now, how will the government stop all that?

I will try and resist the urge to buy it and wait for the next N9XX device. Although Dell website does tempt me off and on with great deals on the N900. Last week the price once fell down to $413.00. But I mastered my emotions. :P
400 USD !!! if my coworker get it for me from the UK it will likely cost 470 GBP ! (which i still want to get it now and repent later when it releases for cheap)
the video looks great.

ok, now the nokia india site shows the N900 info and all, no info about availability and price... it looks like standard market research to set some nice rip-off pricing :(

A bit of bad news guys :(

And after much speculation, Nokia's also admitting that MeeGo will not be officially supported on the N900 once the Intel / Nokia OS is device ready. Nokia will continue to support the core Maemo OS, however, as demonstrated by today's update. Regardless, we're sure that the N900's active fan-base will deliver a MeeGo update outside of official channels, especially since the N900 is already being used as a platform for ARM-based MeeGo development.

Nokia updates N900 to version 1.2 in UK, closes door on MeeGo -- Engadget
Doesn't seem to be as bad.

You've seen it teased, and now it's time to shelve whatever you had planned for this evening (or morning, depending on your current coordinates) and slap the first bona fide 1.x MeeGo release onto whatever device you've got handy. As of right now, MeeGo v1.0 for Netbooks and v1.0 for Nokia N900 are available for download, with the former supporting Atom-based machines and the latter supporting... well, we'll let you take a stab there. The API that's being released includes Qt 4.6, and while the current SDK is tailored for netbooks, the next version -- slated to hit devs in June -- will support "touch-based devices, such as handsets and tablets." We're also told that v1.1 will be outed in October, with the development tree already being open. We're certainly digging the layout shown here at a glance, but why not give that source link a visit and find out how it suits you in real life? We heard Snooki totally digs it, too.

MeeGo 1.0 for netbooks and N900 now available to download -- Engadget
sabby said:
Please post some pics n a mini review if possible . :)
mini review of the phone??? Actually in simple words it has nothing that can really compete with the more popular iphone and android phones, some people will like to call it as a Internet Tablet and hence no comparison BUT IMO if you yourself are a developer/linux guy then and then only it opens up a lot more possibility than any other device in the market......
the price must be around 30-35k i tink.but this is pathetic since they are launchin this in India after a long time after release in the US
sabby said:
@banik sir

No no.. I meant a mini review about Meego on N900 if you put on it. :)
Meego which has been released for N900 is only for development work and not for users. Its my daily phone so cant really play around with it for now...
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