The Definitive N900 Thread

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Ummm, I have not being paying attention to the posts/news above... just saw this: Ari Jaaksi's Blog: MeeGo is now opened

The fact that even though Nokia is not officially announcing support (so far) but you can load a developer build TODAY of meego1/maemo6 makes me want to go out and get an N900 now!

I think it will cost about Rs 25k from the US and maybe Rs 32k from UK/India?

Also was reading this: Nokia N900 Versus Motorola Droid/Milestone at Gadgetoid

Now that Milestone is launched in India will check it out maybe at Croma just for kicks... but now really hyper-tempted to grab the N900 :)

Successor N920 (model number is rumoured and to be capacitive and no keyboard) probably will be announced at Nokia World at q4 this year...

In fact from the same blog: Ari Jaaksi's Blog: N900, MeeGo, and Barcelona

But there is better to come. The announcement of MeeGo takes N900 even further. Now listen to this:

MeeGo has already gotten many more people interested in N900 than Maemo platform alone would have done. I already know many people now gearing up their Qt based application development on N900. Why now? Because now they know it will not be just a Nokia-only thing but will be much wider and thus worth investing in. This means that there will be more applications for N900 owners in the future than there would have been without MeeGo. This is for sure. This is the most important thing for the majority of N900 customers. With MeeGo, Maemo and N900 will only go stronger!

Not sure who/what/where is the quote coming from but good enough for me!


ZOMG, was browsing around for N900 stuff and came across this: Ye Giant Nokia N900 Review | ZOMG its Cj

Also, massive 12 part maemo5 review: Introducing Maemo 5 (Part 1): Contacts on the Nokia N900 | ZOMG its Cj

Tag: Introducing Maemo 5 | ZOMG its Cj

Now the interesting thing is, while reading part 1 I saw "AlsiLadka" displayed on one of the screenshots with a familiar avatar/pic! Will PM him about this... :D
vishalrao said:
Now the interesting thing is, while reading part 1 I saw "AlsiLadka" displayed on one of the screenshots with a familiar avatar/pic! Will PM him about this... :D

Woah! I hadn't noticed it myself :D Thanks Vishal.

BTW, No official word, but I heard on Twitter than the N900 is going to come to India officially around the May - June time, expected to cost about 28-30K. :D
Well, the N900 is available for ~Rs.28,500/- at Mobile World, Prime Mall, Irla, Mumbai.

Obviously, it is a grey market sale & doesn't get any warranty.
yea, N900 comes to india may-june, then the successor will come out just a few months later! bah... nokia needs to get a clue. btw, also came across your blog/review site - whatever that is in your siggy :)
nice blog dere'

i got a new one for 26500 from delihi grey market

and trust me never seen a phone rate shooting up to 28500

asin now the fone is on for 28500
Can anyone point me to where I can get this (grey market whatever) new/sealed box for reasonable price in Pune? :)
Vishal Sir hold your horses!

We made a pact that we will wait for the next Maemo (N9XX) device first. After comparing that with N900 only will we decide to buy it (or not). What if you buy it now and by the end of the year Nokia releases a super kick ass device that trumps N900 in every way and still be able to run all those hacks and mods? Won't you feel screwed then? :P
vishalrao said:
Can anyone point me to where I can get this (grey market whatever) new/sealed box for reasonable price in Pune? :)

No offense meant to N900 fans but you better get Motorola Milestone than N900.
phoenix844884 said:
Vishal Sir hold your horses!

What if I'm losing my will power (not to mention my sanity waiting) and want to buy the N900 now then replace it when the N9xx comes out? :P

My main 2 negative points against N900 were the resistive screen (should have been capacitive) and the other was the fact that only Maemo5 is available. Now that it looks like Maemo6 (now called MeeGo 1.0) might be available - at least dev versions - that drops my main concern. Resistive screen is not too bad especially since it comes with stylus too...

Plus, those comments we made about waiting for N9xx were long ago when there were lots of unknowns, now after reading so much awesome stuff this N900 itself can do... well... like I said... losing my will power to resist!

TechHead said:
Getting my hands on a trial piece from WOMWorld this week. Will keep you guys in the loop.

Cool... if I don't get it locally a friend (coworker) might just get it for me from the UK in a couple of weeks :)

desiibond said:
No offense meant to N900 fans but you better get Motorola Milestone than N900.

No problem dude, no reason for anyone to take any offence heh, its actually a very good alternative, but for me personally though I like the Moto's hardware but not the Android platform :) This reminds me I should go to Croma to check if they have it on display yet or not...

Now I say the Moto hardware is "comparable" does not mean its better, sure people say the display is very nice, but I have seen the N900 first hand and when I see the Moto (hopefully soon) I will post here what is the better. Plus there are other stuff like FM transmitter (hope its not disabled) and better keyboard and "32" GB built in storage.

I read a blog (I think posted above) that even though the N900 has a resistive screen some people actually like the feel of that.
Good news you N900 lovers. N900 is coming to India at an unbeatable price. 25k INR!!!!

came to know about this through a friend on twitter who gets regular updates on Nokia devices and most of his tweets come true.
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