The Definitive N900 Thread

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sabby said:
@banik sir

No no.. I meant a mini review about Meego on N900 if you put on it. :)

If u like a CLI only fone then Meego on N900 is for u. :D
Its like booting a old system direct into DOS.
So for now u can forget bout Meego on N900.
its about 23k in the US (where I am currently)... highly tempted to get it from here... or should i wait.... for N9xx .... AAARGGGHHH !!!
ting tong. just went out and got an N900 for rs 26k from nokia store nearby :D yet to open the box and set it up... now i need to get a 3G SIM for full effect. more later.
vishalrao said:
ting tong. just went out and got an N900 for rs 26k from nokia store nearby :D yet to open the box and set it up... now i need to get a 3G SIM for full effect. more later.
congrats on your great purchase dude :)
^ thanks :)

the best option (better than ebay) would have been to get it from the US at Rs 20k or even Rs 18k with some apparent discount coupons at Dell online store...
Congratulations Vishal sir! :)

Could you kindly post a comparative review of both Maemo and MeeGo? Is MeeGo in any way better than Maemo?
Thanks phoenix :)

Dunno how to post a comparison - the only thing I know about MeeGo is the awesome tablet video that was out there - no idea what it will look/feel like in phone form-factor.

So far the phone is very nice - though I haven't even put in a SIM - just tried installing apps from the repos. Haven't (dont plan to any time soon either) flashed/broken the phone yet and it is already a little unstable with some of the apps - like the "Tear" webkit browser which loads from terminal but not from the icon :D

Can't wait to put in a 3G SIM into this thing... the WLAN speed is pathetic (speed tester app shows under 400 kbps when I have wifi B/G on 8 mbps BSNL connection).

Nokia can definitely do LOTS to improve this phone (next version) both hardware and software wise - stuff like putting in a more responsive capacitive touch screen - so looking forward to whatever comes out this year-end.
vishalrao said:
Thanks phoenix :)

Can't wait to put in a 3G SIM into this thing... the WLAN speed is pathetic (speed tester app shows under 400 kbps when I have wifi B/G on 8 mbps BSNL connection).

Could it be a problem with your wifi access point? I have a similar issue with my n800, the speed while browsing through wifi ranges from acceptable to horrible. I put it down to my access point, which is almost 5 years old. However, whenever I connect through 3g (via bluetooth, n800 doesn't have a cellular radio), the browsing speed is fairly good.
my laptop seems to get proper speeds off the same AP. im now thinking its just a site specific thing, like the maemo repos are slow for me...
There are meego builds for N900. It would be interesting to see meego running on N900. :D

And btw, Congrats !!

Apparently Android 2.2 froyo runs on it somewhat :D

MeeGo 1.0 Mobile/Handset UI pre-alpha release is supposedly some time today... watching out for that eagerly...
vishalrao said:

Apparently Android 2.2 froyo runs on it somewhat :D

MeeGo 1.0 Mobile/Handset UI pre-alpha release is supposedly some time today... watching out for that eagerly...

yes. saw the video of Android running on this phone but there were lot of crashes. Hope they come out with a more stable build :)
Well, y'all know by now that the PR 1.3 update of Maemo 5 was recently released for the N900 with latest Qt 4.7 (QtMobility 1.0.2 etc) and claimed many performance/stability tweaks. The actual fixes/tweaks are being speculated about with some posting a list of fixed bugs, some claiming better performance/speed and some still wondering what the heck has changed :) Will probably update my device this weekend.
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