The Desktop Thread!!

b00gieMan said:
Now i sorted it out... i modified the HUD Vision / White section..

and yes 255 = white and 4 values = 255 x 4

Check it now below, better with my dark taste of wallpapers.

Hey, can you help me out with the weather config for Mumbai please? I seem to be overlooking something small but important and so it's not working for me.

PS: Nice desktop btw :)
w1nD said:
here is my desktop :)

@wind - can you share that wallpaper.

Bluffmaster said:
Another major problem with songbird as already posted by quad master is the memory usage, its really high on resources. I hope they can fix this issue in the next update.

Its aint fixing as it has the mozilla firefox engine at its base so unless we see a drop in the firefox mem usage dept songbird is gonna consume the memory , only way to further stop it is not installing unnecessary addons in songbird
Bluffmaster said:
Another major problem with songbird as already posted by quad master is the memory usage, its really high on resources. I hope they can fix this issue in the next update.

@techdude :

The clock is a part of the Hud vision skin of Rainmeter, the link to which has already been posted by switch. :)
thanks a lot.. :)
love it .. ;)
Thanks... and sure here you go..

"x:\Program Files\Rainmeter\Skins\HUD.Vision\White\Weather" (x=normally your C Drive, White = for white HUD and sameway Black = black vision)

Go there and open Weather.ini or Weather-One.ini..

Simply lookout for this part and just copy paste exactly samething that i've given below:

; define interner Viewer

;Please replace your location code of below, e.g: New York is USNY0996.
;You can check it on or Google.
; Mumbai
; define Fahrenheit Scale = f or Celsius = m
; define show Scale Mark
After this is done.. just save the file on ur PC (whereever you want) and give it a name and save it as .ini file (in my case i've named: weather_custom.ini).
Then copy paste that file in the path which is mentioned above.

Now restat Rainmeter and you can add this HUD Widget and you should be able to see your custom weather.ini file in there..

Do same with the file in the Black folder to have it in black color :)

After all this is done.. dont 4get the major step.. Add some reps to me :p

Amien said:
Hey, can you help me out with the weather config for Mumbai please? I seem to be overlooking something small but important and so it's not working for me.

PS: Nice desktop btw :)
Bluffmaster said:

Today, I installed Songbird and I must say it impressed the hell outta me. Its the perfect answer to I tunes. But the only thing that really disappointed me was the absence of an Equillizar from songbird. As a result my KMPlayer pretty much rips apart songbird in terms of playback quality. :( But since its an open source freeware application , I have really high hopes from it in the future.

Here's to the I-tunes killer :cheers:

ive been using winamp since 3/4 yrs

i want to move on to a new player....

is there any other player which looks good (like songbird) and has great functionality? (for instance, the search bar in media library of Winamp - Damn its Awesome)

UPDATE: Just tried SongBird, Damn a firefox of music!@!!!!!! Its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!11

UPDATE: The sound quality of Sounbird suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

PS:i never equalize my stuff.... Pure Music = good Music for me
sato1986 said:
ive been using winamp since 3/4 yrs
i want to move on to a new player....

is there any other player which looks good (like songbird) and has great functionality? (for instance, the search bar in media library of Winamp - Damn its Awesome)

UPDATE: Just tried SongBird, Damn a firefox of music!@!!!!!! Its AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!11

foobar is nice...i m using foobar from long time but the only thing is it needs external customization. ;)
:) A simple desktop.Could not resist displaying it.
p.s Green is good for the eyes.

Mod Edit:

Link removed. I am not infracting you but just giving to you plain warning. It will be a direct ban next time. Follow the rules.
:mad: My first mod warning in 3+ years in TE...What the hell was the warning for..I just posted a link to my desktop image...or is it bloody mod dadagiri?