The DRINK Thread.

Its been a while since i cane to old chicago. This is local beer from famous brewery. Avery white rascal.
I guess most were from SG duty free
Where did you got Hakushu 12 from.. available here in India?
This lot was picked from Tokyo, but I think I remeber seeing Hakushu at delhi duty free also for ~10500.

Hakushu is somewhat of a rare bottle from Suntory, outside Japan. It is only intermittently available abroad. It isn't much better than yamazaki or hibiki, just that the demand/availability of the latter two are way more.
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Hey guys, do you ever worry about your liver? What's your monthly alcohol spending, and how does it taste/feel?
I only ever partake while on a vacation as I live in a dry state. So, I think my liver is comparatively safe. Also, it only takes 2-3 drinks to get me buzzed due to inexperience, so that's nice to my pocket.