Picked up a Quickfire TK with MX Browns today.
Replaced the aging Sony Wega TV at home with a Samsung 46 incher. Version is TD01 - possibly a Samsung PVA panel. Damages were 70k. One of the cheapest 46 inchers available right now. 2 USB slots, 2 HDMI slots, 1 optical out, 1 component input - additional analog AV inputs were sorely missed.
This was a rather impulse purchase. The huge AV rack will remain empty for God knows how long!
SD scaling is bad but HD IQ is good. Tested with both - the laptop HDMI-out and the TV's USB playback. The menus have become zippier than the older Samsung displays (I have a 3 year old Samsung 40 incher back at my other home; the menu of that display now feels a bit sluggish).