m-jeri said:So i am thinking of controlling my diet a bit more. Well in mysore, a pure non veg guy has very less options in weekdays. Weekeds, i eat like a pig. :S
Can anyone tell a high protien less cal diet??. I eat like 2 eggs a day during dinner. is that ok? cholesterol?. Sometimes chappattis or something else.
Gauge said:Jerin, dont bother about the fat. That's not the fat actually you are gaining. It is muscles with fat accumulated around. Do one thing. Do you do cardio?
- If you love to lift weighs, avoid HIIT for the time being.
- Add 15min joggin to your gym schedule on alternate days.
- Divide your workout plan to 6 days. Start with chest on first day of the week and end with legs.
- Jogging part comes the first you enter your gym. Set a 15-min countdown on your treadmill and try jog at continous speeds till the end of 15min. It is surely going to take you sometime, but you'll adjust to that. It is actually not jogging, it is running. Dont bother about how much calories you lose doing this.
- For the days left, end with 15-min cycling and cross-training overhaul after your body-part workout.
- Try to add leg-lifts to your schedule if you can.
- Regarding the diet, just keep i clean.
- Never miss these three. Bench press, DL, squats. Shuffle the ways you do them.
From what i think, you are an easy gainer. Avoid having dinner after 8 in the evening.
I might not know as much as Rockfella saar, but i can advise you till some extent. If you have a strong mindset and want to lose fat in an efficient way. Ask him to guide you with something about Tabada.
Tabada helped me pass through pleateaus and i lost around 8 pounds in a month. I used to know about HIITs but had a very little about Tabada.
m-jeri said:Yes. I do cardio.
I go for a 5 day per week system. Mon-Fri.
Mon - 21 minutes constant speed running - 1 km on cycles, Chest
Tue- 21 minutes constant speed running - 1 km on cycles, Shoulder
Wednesday - 21 minutes constant speed running - 1 km on cycles, Lats, lil bit triceps
Thursday - 12 minute, 1 min walk - 1 min run(6 sets), in a inclined setting - 1 km on cycle, Biceps, lil bit leg exercise(leg press, leg extension, leg-back thighs)
Friday - Just 5 minutes constant speed running. as a warmup. Thats the legs day. (squats, lunges)
Can u explain the bolded sections.
Dead lifts. havent done one in 7 months. Used to. Trying to accommodate it from today. After reading SL.
Leg lifts... I know i know.. been doing that for all the time been in gyms.
Bluffmaster said:From your various posts here, I am assuming you are a beginner. You are also a little snobbish and have a pretty closed mind wherein no matter what someone advises you, you never follow. At the risk of being completely ignored, I would still recommend you the following workout :
A Simple Beginner's Routine - Bodybuilding.com Forums
Do, the above with a calorie deficiet high protein diet for a few months and you are sure to shed those extra pounds and build some muscle mass.
Rockfella said:^ Bro this is crap. Let him follow SL, you are right about his erratic nature.
Bluffmaster said:From his replies in this thread, he looked like a beginner to me, also he claims he is still fat. If he was even remotely serious about his workouts and diet, he would have been ripped by now. That is actually a pretty decent workout programme for a beginner. Almost every experienced member on Bodybuilding.com swears by it. The SL programme you linked to looks neat but there is no way in hell a beginner can do it honestly.
sg3707 said:I am unable to find a good link for 5x5 training.
I know it may be posted here in one of the 89 pages but cant find it. Please post good 5x5 training schedules.
My current gym has limited equipment.
1 bench, 1 barbell and weights(100KG Max) are what they provide. Even the dumbbells are useless as the maximum weight is 15KG dumbbell which is useless for less rep range.
Also I got this link with 2 training schedules, people who have been following this routine suggest which is the best
Bodybuilding.com - What Is The Best 5x5 Workout That Will Produce Amazing Muscle Gain?
Have done lot of splits, functional/resistance and plyometric training. Never did 5x5
Understood the basics of 5x5
So thinking of doing it this way 5x5x5x5
5 days a week, 5 exercises a day, 5 sets, 5 reps (90 sec gap between each rep and 3 minutes between each set)
In addition to the links can you guys give your personal experience in this routine.
Some one asked about carbs
About Carbs
There are two kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complex.
Simple carbohydrates require little digestion and thus are a quick energy source. Fruits, fruit juices and milk contain simple sugars (carbohydrates) that provide valuable nutrients in addition to an energy boost. Candies, table sugar, alcoholic beverages and sweetened soft drinks are simple sugar sources that provide calories, but usually no nutrients.
Complex carbohydrates are found in grains, some vegetables and legumes. They are starches and require more digestion than simple carbohydrates. Rich in B-vitamins, fiber and iron, complex carbohydrates from grains are the body’s best source of energy because they are burned in a constant, timereleased manner. They provide sustained energy for athletic events and can help manage blood sugar irregularities. The fiber found in complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables can help lower blood cholesterol in some people when eaten as part of a low-fat diet.
Source: Simple Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates
Other carbs related links:
Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs | List of Low Carbs Foods | Complex Carb List
Examples of Simple and Complex Carbohydrates
m-jeri said:I am not saying that my workout is near perfect or something. But i am like 165~175cms and 100~105 kgs. I am fat. I used to be fatter like 2 years back. I was around 130. :S
True that i dont have a good instructor. But i can only do things that i can in my available gyms.
@Rock said to increment weights by 2.5. The min here is 5kg plates. Cannot do that now r8?. He told me to do squats properly. I did and i could do till 90kg.
I remember him telling me to do DL's. And i did started. But the gym never allowed olympic bar to be removed from their "respective places". so used to do with a barbell. :S. But today, olympic bar it is.
I do try to accommodate things i can.
And about food.
Cook on my own? PG is paying guest. I have a room with attached bathroom. I cannot cook there. Dunno if they allow also.. And honestly food in mysore is next to worse. dont even have a electric kettle. Need to get that this weekend. :S.
@rock and @bluff.
I still no idea whats erratic in my workout. I do everything people mention here. :S.
true i dont control my diet though..
Bluffmaster said:1 glass of cow milk : 5g protein approx.
Bluffmaster said:I apologize if I offended you in any way. I guess I jumped the gun on this, sorry. So you were 130 kgs ? Coming down from 130kg to 100kg is a great achievement, you should be proud of yourself. And I respect your will to change yourself and not giving up despite being so overweight, I know it must have been very hard. Soon the day will come when you would have achieved the impossible, you will become a completely new person and everyone who may have laughed at you at some point will feel jealous of the new you but until that day please do not loose hope and continue to fight through this.
I can understand how hard it must be for you living in a PG to follow a strict diet, but then self-discipline is extremely important when it comes to bodybuilding. If this was easy, wouldn't every tom dick and harry carry a bulging bicep and a six pack? The main problem with your routine as I see it, is your diet. Without a proper diet no matter how much you slog in the gym, you won't be able to see the desired results. Find a way to rectify this problem and you will soon start seeing results much faster.![]()