but, it worked on me..
i used to go for jogging and cycling (both indoor) for almost 1 1/2 hour...i lost just 2.5 kilos in two months...
when i started protein supplement i started loosing weight and i lost 4 kilos in 1 month and more over i am feeling more relaxing..
(i skipped my two meals)
what i feel is i lost fat much faster in protein supplements than going only to gym...so,i want to balance both...
i do not want to continue this longer any more but, as i understand how protein is beneficial for healthy diet, i thought of including it in daily routine..
may be 40 grams a day in form of protein powder..(at least for some time)..so, i am in dilemma which brand of 'whey' protein should be used for weight loss..(not for body building...
where i am convinced is, the present mentioned protein shake is almost similar like b-protein, which is being recommended by many doctors for patients even for pregnant women... i am considering this b protein too, but it has soy and whey...where i am looking for 'whey isolate' only..
--- Updated Post - Automerged ---
i follow the lemon thing, but 10 km,

.. i am doing 5 km of jogging and 15 km of cycling at medium tension..(both indoor and suggested by local gym guy).