The FooBar2000 skin/configuration thread

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Since many , if not most of us use Foobar as their primary music player, why don't we share screenshots and configuration settings in this thread?

I would have started with mine but am at work so will do it from home tonight
well no one is updating that thread... so I guess if someone wants to post more foorbar skins ( with tuts please :P)... can do it here nah?? (unless mods wanna merge this thread with the other one)

I dont want looks- usablity will do fine :)

PS: colours seem screwed up. they're a much better blue :)
superczar said:
Since many , if not most of us use Foobar as their primary music player, why don't we share screenshots and configuration settings in this thread?

Haven't ppl progressed beyond mere players to media managers by now !

..guess not ;)
Talking of simplicity and usability, beat mine ..itoons ishtyle :P

I tried a couple o rather jazzy looking ishtyles using panel_UI but fell back to the simple but highly usable setups you can create with columns_ui

Greenie, do yourself a favor and add the search toolbar plugin

blr_p said:
Haven't ppl progressed beyond mere players to media managers by now !

coz there ain't a single half decent media manager available
i used to, but adding the network drives to the media library takes forever. Its there on my other PC

I have my entire music library on 2 NAS drives

It may not be as large as yours but isntt small either at around 60GB+

It took perhaps 30 minutes for a 1 time addition to the media library but that was about it

Search/playback now happens instantly like a local drive

awesole looking skin! Any guide on how to do that?

Thanx dude!

Check out this guide posted at foobar blog.

Foobar2000 Blog

Its pretty simple....just make sure that you put all the components in required

folders only.

Lemme know if you get it right and if you don't...... I'll be glad to assist.:)
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superczar said:
How's it any better or different than a well configured Foobar?

A well configured FB2k, what is that ?

..has all the settings you want and nothing more. Is resource light and does what its setup to do, just play!

Once its configured you leave it as is.

What about organisation, management & ease of use ?

FB2K is a player, period !, a light, good player, it has mgmt capability but no where close to what i suggested.

Bottom line: if you got less than a few thousand files, stick with what you got, almost any player will get the job done. Cos that's all you need, a player.


MJ or the pay versoin ( MC) is what you graduate to when FB2k/winamp/itunes/WMP don't cut it anymore ie very good with *LARGE* collections. That i would say is the main reason you need to look for something better. The hierachical file explorer view breaks down and panes is much more scalable. You can do panes in FB2K but its no way as easy and therefore usable. Tagging is a breeze here and you are not forced to store anything in the files, everything can be stored just in the app's library.

Finding what you want, when you want :)

MJ's not as resource light as FB2k, but it's database is faster i think than FB2k. There is certainly an initial learning curve but its no where as steep as FB2K's.
I'm quite happy with the explorer panel. if i dont know where it is , quicksearch does fine

I dont use tagging/rating etc, and a never really felt the need for a music library ( felt that the ones in most media players were a bloat)
Fb2K's DB is holding up fine for over 10K titles for me

Tag search still has sub second responses

I am guessing you never configured your implementation properly :P

Though if MB/MC/whatever is what keeps you happy and content, I guess there really isnt a need for you to bother with fb2k
10k titles, as in files ? or albums which would mean 10 times as many files ;)

upto 10k files, any player will suffice, 100k however or more..not many will.

greenhorn said:
I dont use tagging/rating etc, and a never really felt the need for a music library ( felt that the ones in most media players were a bloat)

That's one of the main requirements i have, no point listening if you can't remember what you thought few months later, you spend the time to listen anyway.

I'm anal with tags, got to be correct, who, when, which label etc.
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