Then it has to be Ninja Gaiden 2. It will grind your balls to dust on the Path of Warrior mode (normal mode). I have been able to complete every hack-en-slash game on normal mode, except for this game. It's not the difficulty of the combat, but the amount of enemies which are thrown it the game, it's extremely frustrating. Also these are not dud enemies we are talking here, all of them would attack you, irrespective of whom YOU are attacking.
I will be getting Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PS3, today. So hopefully would get to see how this series actually started and they say this is the most difficult amongst the 2 titles. Which means more
I will be getting Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PS3, today. So hopefully would get to see how this series actually started and they say this is the most difficult amongst the 2 titles. Which means more