The iOS Jailbreak / Cydia apps and tweaks thread

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Any of you tried iprivacy? Great concept of a guest mode. Though some of its plugins are paid, but nevertheless try it out.
Facing more than usual battery drain on my iPhone 4S since last 2 days. Not sure what the problem is since I did not update any tweak or install any new one.
Currently am running the phone in safe mode (hold volume up when restarting phone) and will observe till tomorrow.
Btw I have got so much used to some of the tweaks like zephyr etc, not having them active currently really feels weird.
Scares me to lose jailbreak.
It sort of completes the phone.
I just discovered this today. If you have LockInfo installed and say you get an email which is displayed on your lock screen, you can just swipe across that email to reveal some options and you can delete the email right there without even unlocking your phone.
Ok so after the massive battery drain on my jailbroken iPhone 4S, i started to see what was the cause. As an experiment i used my phone for 24 Hours in safe mode so almost no tweaks were active. The night battery drop was also just 3% or so. So i was now pretty sure that jailbreak (actually some tweak) was causing the battery drain.
Next day i was done charging my phone at like 10:30 in the night and went to sleep then (phone is now in normal jailbroken mode) and in morning the battery level was 80%.
A staggering 20% battery drain overnight with absolutely no use.
Then i started to check what all i installed in last few days and not sure how i had missed earlier, but i found Bridge being installed on the phone. I removed the tweak as well as couple of others related to chrome (as chrome does not work on JB phone now) and then things straightened out now.
Yesterday night slept with 100% battery and in morning it is 99%. No weird and unexplained drains in entire day and battery life is now back to what it used to be.

So in case anyone is facing battery drain and if you have bridge app installed from cydia, try uninstalling it and check for a day or 2.
i hope you are not referring google chrome browser... :) because its working well in my JB'ed IP5

Yes it is google chrome browser only. One of their updates had some sort of jailbreak check and it was crashing on my phone and my wife's phone too. Both on iOS 5.1.1.
Then there was another update which claimed to fix this crash on JB phones but that update did not work for us. I even tried uninstalling completely and reinstalling but in vain. So deleted chrome browser from the phone.
I have not yet updated the browser on my iPad 2 and it still works but probably won't if i update it.
In case chrome is universal i think i can extract the IPA from iPad and install into iPhone. Will see if that is possible.
Yes it is google chrome browser only. One of their updates had some sort of jailbreak check and it was crashing on my phone and my wife's phone too. Both on iOS 5.1.1.
Then there was another update which claimed to fix this crash on JB phones but that update did not work for us. I even tried uninstalling completely and reinstalling but in vain. So deleted chrome browser from the phone.
I have not yet updated the browser on my iPad 2 and it still works but probably won't if i update it.
In case chrome is universal i think i can extract the IPA from iPad and install into iPhone. Will see if that is possible.
I faced the same issue, but it was some cydia tweak which I can't remember. Chrome works just fine now
I faced the same issue, but it was some cydia tweak which I can't remember. Chrome works just fine now

Magic !!!
Just reinstalled chrome on my iPhone and it is working fine now. :)

On a side note, funny thing happened, i went to TOI website on the chrome browser and it advices me to download the TOI Blackberry app (at the top of the website but not part of it i think)
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Not exactly JB app related, but what I basically want to achieve on my 16GB cramped iPad 4 is, I want to install games which need 3GB free space for installation and take up around 1.5 GB after installation and copy the game data after installation to my android phone and delete it on the iPad, so that I can use it whenever I want to play that game, which saves the 1.5GB extra needed for installing the game. To do this I require an app that does web server like iFile but allows downloading of folders too instead of just files.

I'm not sure if Im clear enough :-/
Hate the fact that many new awesome tweaks are iOS 6 and above only. I am still using iOS 5.1.1 and cannot use these tweaks. Hope these people can jailbreak iOS 7 soon after it arrives so i can update my phone's OS.
Btw anyone checked Velox Tweak ? Seems to be really good but i am pretty sure it will be iOS 6 only :(

Hate the fact that many new awesome tweaks are iOS 6 and above only. I am still using iOS 5.1.1 and cannot use these tweaks. Hope these people can jailbreak iOS 7 soon after it arrives so i can update my phone's OS.
Btw anyone checked Velox Tweak ? Seems to be really good but i am pretty sure it will be iOS 6 only :(

It's quite nice. But sorta useless for most apps.

I wonder what would it do to the ram.

Talking about ram, how can I monitor ram usage? Some b**ch of an app/tweak is eating up my ram every few hours because of which I have to restoring again and again
Meesa found a new tweak at bigboss.

It's called BatteryDoctorPro. Besides being million times better looking than SBSetting and similar in function, it shows the App Switcher after tapping the battery icon.
If you tap the ram details at the drop down, it will clear all running apps besides the current one in view.

You get details info about your phone and battery and recharge cycles.
You can clean your phone memory through the app.
You can also get app specific details like power usage, launch times, energy level, cache and also reset the app settings.
And finally, you can chose what to do during sleep mode, standby mode and low power mode, including things like when should the phone shift to 2G, what it should stop etc.

It a pretty good app to save battery and its FREE.

Get it :)




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If you are still using your iPhone, did you face any issues with the Battery Doctor Pro tweak ? I am not 100% sure but i read about some tweak that messed up with the network settings or something rending inability to connect to mobile network or so.
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