The Last of Us - Discussion Thread

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Playing with elle is really challenging and satisfying. Melle or weapons both combat system is good. I like the AI of this game.
Damn! survivor+ mode is locked for me.:mad: How many of you are facing this issue. I mean some people are getting the survivor+ mode available after completing on hard and some are not.:banghead:
Damn! survivor+ mode is locked for me.:mad: How many of you are facing this issue. I mean some people are getting the survivor+ mode available after completing on hard and some are not.:banghead:

Eh? Survivor+ mode is the new game plus mode once you have completed the storyline in the Survivor mode itself.

Since you have completed the Hard mode, the Hard+ mode unlocks along with the Survivor (not Survivor+!) mode. Once you complete the survivor mode, you have the Survivor+ mode.
I think he meant survivor mode.

This is a common problem, when I completed Uncharted 3 the completion trophy never popped up. :/ bugger
I had no issues with Uncharted. The lesser difficulty trophies unlocked and so did the Crushing difficulty mode.
No i meant survival+ guys. Ok sorry there seems to be a confusion. Right now i am unable to find it but somewhere in ign or some other site i read a lot of comments regarding getting survival+ mode unlocked after you beat it in hard mode. Even somewhere in ign it is/was mentioned that you have to play the game at least twice to unlock all the trophies. best site for Platinum guides. IGN editors endorse it too. That site should remove any kind of confusion you have regarding game modes.
Right, so exactly a week ago on a bright Sunday morning I received this game. A good 16 hours spread over three days was invested from that point on in completing this title and having done that, when I look back now, I can safely say those 16 hours were perhaps the best chunk of gaming entertainment that I have had in recent times.

The Last of Us I felt isn't only a game in it's entirety. It's an experience, a journey where you dawn your rugged old boots and start treading your way onto the cold blades of grass, in an unforgiving, overcast dystopia. From that first step into the well crafted apocalyptic infected world to the very last mile you wade, this game rivets you and makes you actually feel that breathing in a decaying, ruined, infested world isn't easy. In fact it's extremely and scarily difficult.

Plot (The meat of the game!): Story-telling is such an art, and this game is chock-full of it. Twenty flat minutes into the game and your practically sucked into the vortex of the plot, itching to unravel it step by step. As I played through this title it grew onto me in a rather rich way. The way the characters evolve with the passage of time, the way the writers have slowly laid out the plot in their beautifully narrated scripts is something to cherish... to bits. As you move through the desolate streets of the nearly inhabited city you often come across notes, little memento's left behind from the past dwellers. Each of them have their own little stories, their tales which adds to the believability that the dystopia that Joel and Ellie are traversing through now was once a sprawling metropolis, in it's glory. The raw survival instincts, the grey zone of rights and wrongs and the brute feeling of conquering all
odds in a city succumbing and reeling under a deadly infection is brought out exceptionally well. The story was pasted into me like butter to bread and it never did let go of me, even once. As the story matures not once did it feel that it's losing it's grip on me. This was a cinematic novel... and a great one at that. Naughty Dog created a charm with the solid story and it works wonderfully, flawlessly.

Character Development: If there is anything more annoying in a game it's a bunch of half baked in-game characters. Having a great story is one aspect of a good, solid title but to firmly attach and engrave it onto in the player's mind you need interesting, sensitive characters. Characters in which some part of the player's mind is also inter-wined as he progresses through the game's levels. TLoU does this to the very bone. Joel and Ellie are beautifully portrayed in their own ways and each of them have their own set of thoughts and emotions, their rights, their wrongs. They agree, bicker on certain things, have their own noir zone regarding certain related aspects, have their own memories and pasts to come to terms with but at the end of the day they realize to survive their inter-interdependent trusts are of paramount importance. They are human and they are fallible but they face similar odds to their very existence. The other characters who are brought in across the game's many levels are all well crafted. They are there for a reason, their gravity of existence fully realized, in permanence. Dialogues are top-notch, not once did they seem hammy.

Graphics: I haven't played Killzone 3 yet but this looked absolutely sweet. The entire apocalyptic, desolate, cold world which the game sets out to depict is brought to life with some fantastic, well detailed graphics. Characters models look well done, specially that of Ellie. Season's change and the world around the player evolves, masterfully.

Gameplay: Aaah... this was pure greatness. I have always been an ardent lover of stealth games. If a game has stealth then I'm all for it. To make things work it has to complemented with good AI and this title doesn't disappoint in that department. Surely, one can and will need to bring out the artillery from time to time but the squishy art of tip-toeing your way around enemies without them noticing you is pure art and severely gratifying. What I particularly liked about TLOU is the way the developers let you choose your style of gameplay, although the pure resounding emphasis is to go the quieter way you can make the bullets whiz whenever the need be. Also, the very concept behind this game is scavenging. I was in fact all eyes, scouring every nook and corner of the map on each level, picking up each and everything Joel's backpack could carry, making sure I had all the necessary items as best as possible. It didn't feel overbearing at all.... it felt like second nature largely due to the fact it's all so seamless. Resource management is such a crucial thing in this game and one has to be wise enough to stock up on all the necessary supplies and ammunition for the harder and more challenging parts of the game. This is daringly one of the most atmospheric titles on the console, scarily unnerving at times. The tension brewed up in pints, specially so when I was trying to keep it nice and stealthy, avoiding enemies creeping my way through was utterly brilliant (damn those Clickers!!). The outdoor levels as opposed to the close quartered stifling corridors were much, much harder to conquer in hide and seek mode. Leveling up, crafting your weapons at workbenches and a strong melee combat system in those moments of heated confrontation with the enemies, all work coherently. For the one's who haven't played this game yet... just wait till you encounter a Clicker or a Bloater! Tread carefully my friends!!

(One little thing though... I felt the developers pushed the player into a lot of forced combat in the later stages of the game as opposed to the dark, grim corridors in the initial levels where I could hush down the enemies Sam Fisher style. I felt the 'dynamic stealth' idea could be beefed up more on certain levels. Thankfully though the last couple of levels focused on stealth and were the most nerve-wracking levels in my opinion, even for the most stealth loving gamers out there.)

Wrap-up: I've always felt there are RPG's and then there is Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate because they belong to a league of their own. In my heart of hearts... survival horror's triumphant moment is this. There are survival horror titles and then there is this. The Last of Us is a brilliantly made title, a cinematic gameplay experience which is an utterly delightful slice of modern day gaming in all it's absolute splendor. Thank-you Naughty Dog!
Somehow missed this write-up. Nicely done man. :)

KZ3's visuals weren't all that great IIRC. It was definitely good and a big step-up from KZ2 but nowhere in the league of Naughty Dog's titles. Somehow the devs. seem to push the console to its limits without compromising on the frame rates. That said we did have a few framerate drops in TLOU as well.
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The Last of Us DLC Details Coming Soon

Naughty Dog has delivered word that the first real details on the upcoming downloadable content for The Last of Us will be coming soon.

In a Reddit Ask Me Anything, game director Bruce Straley and creative director Neil Druckmann were repeatedly asked for details on the highly anticipated DLC. While neither of the two were willing to offer up any specifics on what the DLC may entail, Druckmann did state, "News is on the way about the first DLC drop. Should hear about it this month," presumably referring to some point in August.

Straley reiterated what we already knew from the announcement of The Last of Us Season Pass, which is that there are plans for one single-player story DLC and two multiplayer DLC releases. The latter seems likely to center around new maps, but it's anyone's guess as to when the single-player DLC will be set or which characters it will include, although Druckmann did concede that some characters from the game will be returning.

To date, the only DLC available for The Last of Us has come in the form of pre-order bonuses and content included with special editions of the game consisting of extra skins, bonuses for multiplayer, and early access to upgrades in the single-player mode.

When asked if there will ever be any additional story content centering around Joel and Ellie, the game's two protagonists, Druckmann said, "It's possible. We're playing with some ideas, but no direction has been set yet for the next game." This shouldn't be taken as confirmation of a second Last of Us being developed, as it was made clear several times that, at least publicly, Naughty Dog is undecided on what game the Last of Us team will be working on next.

The game's controversial ending was also a popular subject on Reddit. Fans were given no definitive word as to how it should be interpreted, but Druckmann promised he and Straley will share details on some of the proposed alternative endings during a panel at this year's PAX Prime.

Source: IGN
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The Brick that was not available...

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@prabs: Whoa... that's weird huh! I also did come across a short video on Youtube about a player coming across such an 'unavailable brick' in the game as well. :wideyed:
^ I was carrying a brick so it should have said full.
There was another glitch on the same level. This is the university level where monkeys are roaming around. Before you make a right in one corner of the room I saw 2 walls didn't meet and if I went to it I could see the building layout. Didn't take a picture of it as I was trying to find out what Joel meant by saying Clickers don't hide.
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The Last of Us movie domain now with Sony

Sony Pictures has registered, which naturally has sparked speculation that a film adaptation of the already strongly cinematic PlayStation 3 exclusive is on the way. Try not to get too excited; it may just be a defensive purchase. There have been no whispers suggesting such a thing is on the way, but these things can move fast when they get started; the Need for Speed film seems to have rocketed into existence.

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