As promised, the first access would be given to those who had commented in this blog “before the last postâ€.
Notion Inkagm_105 said:where are u looking for pricess ???
The Pricing
If you remember I explained that it’s possible that we would be able to cut the price of one of the variants further. So here is the confirmation! You know we have 6 variants : LCD (wi-fi only), LCD + 3G -900 series, LCD + 3G -850 series, Transflective (Wi-Fi only), Transflective + 3G -900 series, Transflective + 3G -850 series.
Earlier we told you that the first version will start at $399. But now the LCD Wi-Fi version will start at $375.33 and 3G version at $425.33. Transflective version (Pixel Qi) will start at $499.45 for Wi-Fi only and 3G variant at $549.99. (For specifications please see our website).
While I agree that Engadget viewer-ship comprises of few real techies and far too many Fanboi's (Apple, MS, Google and all of them equally crazy) I don't think the writers themselves are Apple Fanboi's. Time and again most of the Engadget writers have given me reason to strongly believe that they are in the pay of Apple. Knowing how strong Apple is in devising marketing strategies and how they often use negative publicity against anyone that might potentially come in their path, there is a very good chance that its indeed the case. I am not saying that Apple cares about a start up like Notion Ink, just that they might be paying Engadget and give them free reign to do negative publicity against any all potential competition as an independent entity. If you follow the site regularly, you would notice that they constantly resort to subtle (some times not so subtle) negative publicity against any thing non Apple.agm_105 said:engadget ... always has been against NI... and they seem more to be apple fanboyzz
you dont know this or is it too easy a question?strategy said:i see it has 2 USB 2.0 , so i was wondering can i use the adam for audio out ( digital ) , as i use in any windows PC.
that would be great
(...160 Hrs of audio WTF!!!)
6pack said:Problem is the updated videos/pics are only in the pre-order link as said by Rohan. Wonder why its not yet been made public. Must be soft opening?
I'd rather wait to see what the thingy looks like (not that I'm going to pre-order). Also 1 thought crossed my mind. If the wifi only lcd version which is the cheapest is bought then can we use a 3G usb modem on it to get 3G/HSPA also? are there drivers for modems on android or do they work only with built in hardware?
6pack said:Problem is the updated videos/pics are only in the pre-order link as said by Rohan. Wonder why its not yet been made public. Must be soft opening?
I'd rather wait to see what the thingy looks like (not that I'm going to pre-order).