The Notion Ink - Adam thread

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I understand a Tablet sells far better abroad but I see no marketing initiative for National market. India has lots of Gadget enthusiasts, it's kind of disappointing.
Lord Nemesis said:
I don't think there would be any differences in terms of quality. If iPad has IPS, Adam has PixelQi. Also all such products are manufactured in china. Even the much glorified iPads are manufactured on one of the worst assembly lines in china regardless of how Apple some how managed to keep the American company, American manufactured product misconception alive. So the main difference is not the quality but the brand value of the respective companies.

In any case this is all a major fail from Rohan's side and the so very apparently intentional negative PR from Engadget and CrunchGear (which has already been going on for months now) is going to make things even worse. Especially CrunchGear writers are not only Fanboyish, but racist as well.

They have been eagerly waiting for the ammo to kill Notion Ink even before they take their baby steps and how Notion Ink themselves provided them with the very thing they needed.

^I believe Notion Ink is equally at fault here. For months, Rohan has been ranting about how much effort they have put in the design and development process without showing any actual product to support his claim. Its all words. A video showing the actual product working in detail would have helped before launch. All that we have seen till now are mock-ups. As a developer, you must be well aware that they mean nothing. They should also have got the product reviewed by a few trusted reviewers. I was a expecting
a launch conference on the lines of apple ,which I believe is essential when you are launching a new product into the market. I think they are inexperienced lot in these matters.

With all his talk, I hope the final product is really good. Otherwise, there will be backlash on expected lines.
^ that is not the actual fault.

the fault is that the product is to be launched actually at CES2011 in Jan 1-2nd week.

this is just a pre-order, the wrong thing they have done is of creating hype before preorder through wordpress. Th hype which they should be rather making during actual launch.. people have mistaken preorder as the actual launch and sale due to all the hype and PR stunt.

Things would have been different if they simply opened preorders with only a notification on wordpress about the same rather than teasing techies. how soothing is a foreplay if followed by an anti-climax ? :P
sandy453 said:
^I believe Notion Ink is equally at fault here. For months, Rohan has been ranting about how much effort they have put in the design and development process without showing any actual product to support his claim. Its all words. A video showing the actual product working in detail would have helped before launch. All that we have seen till now are mock-ups. As a developer, you must be well aware that they mean nothing. They should also have got the product reviewed by a few trusted reviewers. I was a expecting

a launch conference on the lines of apple ,which I believe is essential when you are launching a new product into the market. I think they are inexperienced lot in these matters.

With all his talk, I hope the final product is really good. Otherwise, there will be backlash on expected lines.
I already mentioned in my post that its a major fail from Rohan's side. :P Its just that through this fiasco, they equipped blogs like CrunchGear and Engadget with the necessary ammo to gun them down.

Whether its a Pre-order or a soft launch, it could have been handled in a better way even if they are only a start up. I don't usually believe in Pre-ordering products even when I already see pre release demo's of the product, but these guy's went ahead and opened the pre-orders without so much as putting a photograph of the final hardware. It was a grave mistake from their side. What I cannot digest even more is Rohan mentioning that he was on board a flight. How can someone in his shoes remain unavailable at such a critical moment?
^^ like i said earlier he has to learn to delegate.cannot be a one man show.Well give the guy a break.He will learn in due course.I believe they have a great product but i feel they have missed the bus.

This would have been a great product if they could have released it before christmas or the holiday season.As it is they now have to compete with atleast 35 new tablets from different vendors at ces 2011.Only advantage they have at the moment is if they can get their shipping right.if they can ship it say before end of feb before other vendors ship their product then they have a small chance of getting their product out and moving on from there.else they will be swamped by other manufacturers and then sadly it will be an great product lousy marketing company.Only thing remaining will be notion of notion ink.I mean if they cannot sell over 100000 units they are doomed.As it is crunchgear and engadget have already termed it a scam/run down india(trying to put it in the same league as nigeria).So reading these two sites it will put off atleast 30 percent of the people if not more. They do not have the capacity to withstand the failure of this product.Its not as if they have different products on which they can fall back say an asus or a toshiba.

wish them all the best.
madnav said:
the fault is that the product is to be launched actually at CES2011 in Jan 1-2nd week.

this is just a pre-order, the wrong thing they have done is of creating hype before preorder through wordpress. Th hype which they should be rather making during actual launch.. people have mistaken preorder as the actual launch and sale due to all the hype and PR stunt.

Things would have been different if they simply opened preorders with only a notification on wordpress about the same rather than teasing techies. how soothing is a foreplay if followed by an anti-climax ? :P

I think, they got too much excited about comments on their blog and took the step forward. They know their product is great, but world won't acknowledge that without preview.
as much i was Notion ink to succeed and be nice ad for most startup companies here, it was really really stupid to launch even without even a preview/demo video.

now they are releasing that on Dec 18th. we'll see

They have to get te next month dead right. Motorola and others are getting into the tablet game with Android 3.0. Notion Ink better their tablets out there by then and make a name for itself.. else they can always sell their tablet expertise to Microsoft..
^ if Microsoft was interested in manufacturing tablets, they wouldn't have kicked their Courier device into oblivion.
So about the price, Notion Ink Adam's price is very competitive. Where Dell Streak, iPad are priced high, Adam's price is absolutely affordable. But I'm doubtful about public-knowledge here in India. Only us tech enthusiasts found it out on our own. Shouldn't Notion Ink capitalize on being a home-grown gadget?
+1 bringing adam to india without any advertisement is just suicide !! IT WONT SELL!

i might buy it some friends might buy but that s it wont even sell half of Ipad sales ( it deserves more ( if it is what they promised ) )
strategy said:
+1 ...bringind adam to india without any advertizment just suiside !! IT WONT SELL!
i might buy it...some friends might buy ...but that s it wont even sell half of Ipad sales ...( it deserves more ( if it is what they promised ) )
1. Spell check is awesome. All modern browsers have it.
2. .... make your posts extremely hard to read. Please avoid them.
3. Notion Ink has said that they will be launching in retail in India. Wait for it.
less publicity in india means better pricing and availability.

samsung did not advertise Galaxy Spica and Wave 8500 that provocatively and still both have be sold out everywhere in india.

the point is, those who can realy exploit the potential will buy it despite of what manufacturer says and if it sales only because of the advertisement (for eg nokia 5800) then most prolly it will end up being with people who dont know (or dont care) how to exploit it to its potential.
stalker said:
1. Spell check is awesome. All modern browsers have it.
ha ha ha.

sumatrix said:
I think it might thrive on mouth to mouth publicity

yumm yumm!
this notion ink/adam thingy has desis involved? i smell S.C.A.M. :D just a healthy dose of scepticism.
vishalrao said:
this notion ink/adam thingy has desis involved? i smell S.C.A.M. :D just a healthy dose of scepticism.
Welcome to the Partaayy :D

NotionInk is an Indian startup. Bunch of recently graduated kids.
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