The Photography Thread !

Anish said:
^ Hmm.. yeah even my P150 uses a 1/1.8" sensor :)P), i'll get back to you on this one.

For the Rock concert you used the H2 at its full zoom ?

You must have really stable hands to shoot at such a high f-number in low light, and your limited by Sony's pathetic high ISO performance as well ;)

Tell me more about that shot !

:) You ought to check out that DOF, it's a pleasant surprise. I haven't been able to afford a dSLR till now....might get one in the next year though. :D

The Holy Smokes shot (the rock concert one) is not at full zoom...more like 3x, it was ISO 400 and and shutter around 1/40 or so. Considering that I was one of the people organising the concert, I had a front row view - actually more like at the base of the stage. So I dint need much zoom for that. :D

The H2's high ISO performance isn't that bad actually, check out the entire mime show pictures in my album. They are all at ISO 400 in available light at the right exposure. That is the key really, as long as you get the right exposure it's fine. Otherwise, it's full of color blotches n what not. But of course, it's wayyyyy better than any Panasonic and has much lesser luminance noise than a Canon. Basically, the cam kicks ass. But I do miss the wide-angle and shallow DOF that a dSLR can give me. :eek:hyeah: And if you meant that "pathetic" comment in jest...oops. :eek:hyeah:

@Rahul: Thanks man. :)
some of the most fantastic compositions I've seen. superb.

the photographs really tell a story...

the flikr photograps are truly amazing. fantastic composition again. ""ed

My attempt at catching some lighting... Man its tough to catch it... This was the best i could manage with my 95 which was low on battery... Really stormy night few days back here in Delhi...
The exposure was 1 sec... for lightning shots try 5 seconds and low ISO, basically the longest exposure you can get without noise creeping int.... increases the probability of catching lightning. Other than that... its a case of pointing the camera where you hope there will be lightning and waiting :)
@payne - breathtaking stuff!! though the mantis one isnt as sharp but the moment is perfect

(I see.. IIM-I, markops)
Renegade said:
@payne - breathtaking stuff!! though the mantis one isnt as sharp but the moment is perfect
(I see.. IIM-I, markops)

Thanks indeed. And oye! That mantis pic is darn sharp, spot-on focus. It was taken with the DSC P150 and is a 5 megapixel image which is crystal clear at 100%. :D I have a series of shots with another mantis....shall post em here soon.

And yes, you are right about IIMI. :)

woodstalk :p
@ floccy - Thanks :D

@ smith - Nice !!

Try using a higher ISO, might add to the detail. There's a lot you can play around with the lighting.. I'll see what I can do :p
Well... it was Smith's idea, but I couldn't resist. I'm sure you can do a much better job, you'll get the idea with the lighting, my W1 cant focus as close as the S3, so hence the extreme macro was ruled out.

Pathetic attempt, spare me some jitters :p

Good stuff!

Btw, what exactly is the wisp in sky in the first shot? :-s I have tried for lightning like crazy till but i always miss the right angle for it.

Here are two 30-second exposure shots.




Niiice. As Anish already mentioned, some really groovy stuff can be done with that pic. Sooo many possible compositions. :) I love the texture in the woodgrain... :D Crisp.

PS: K790i pics coming soon! :D
^ Yeah, saw those pics on your flickr. The wisp is lightning :p

I exposed for a previous flash when it was all bright and then sat for 3 mins with rain dripping around with my finger on the shutter release holding the exposure and fired it when the second one came. Its a pretty high shutter.. lost the EXIF due to 'Save for Web' :(
Anish said:
^ Yeah, saw those pics on your flickr. The wisp is lightning :p

I exposed for a previous flash when it was all bright and then sat for 3 mins with rain dripping around with my finger on the shutter release holding the exposure and fired it when the second one came. Its a pretty high shutter.. lost the EXIF due to 'Save for Web' :(

Hehehe. As long as you dint damage the cam it's great. :eek:hyeah: I dont care much for the EXIF, it's not the's the shot which matters. :p

Here's my first upload from Kolkata - a snap from my SE K790i. Apologies for the over-processing, couldn't resist it. :eek:hyeah:


