The Photography Thread !

^ You've missed focus by miles and played with the sliders a tad too much.

End result = Garish.

Rather get a polarising filter, use a tripod, stop down the lens and play with the shutter, will give you much better colours.

Btw, any good quality black sunglasses work pretty well for a polariser :eek:hyeah:
Anish, i was just trying to generate HDR saturation :p..came out badly i agree, but then i suck at PS and photography in general :p
Ohh, I'm sorry I didn't notice, my sincere apologies.

Smith said:
Anish, i was just trying to generate HDR saturation :p..came out badly i agree, but then i suck at PS and photography in general :p

No way ! Your one of the better photographers here, I was actually shocked that you would post something like this :p
^^ u give me too much credit mate :p

anyway, these powercuts are driving me crazy :mad:, so i clicked a WICK(ed) snap :p
