The Photography Thread !

^^Thanx..:) had been difficult as it was very dark and i couldnt see what i was shooting. could obtain proper focus only on the 3rd or 4th attempt.

TheMask said:
the WICK(ed) pic is by Smith. not me
:p I'm sure smith wont mind.. he's a good guy,happy enough when his work gets complimented :bleh:
great work Smith :)

another macro..took it near about when i first got the camera..

the focus shifted a bit from the object, but its still visible..:ashamed:

this one was taken on way up to vaishnodevi..

^ The last pic is nice. The Sunlight effect came out well, maybe if you had used a Circular Polariser, the hues would have been even darker and given that surreal effect, if you get what I'm saying ;)

@ wolff - Nice long exposure, I presume that's the 400D at ISO800 ? A tad noisy being a Canon ;)
Firstly, tirthankar, that Vaishnodevi pic is mindblowing :)

Secondly, I had a great weekend at Tirupati, got some shots :




Shot this lil bugger on full zoom in high speed wind...just two clear shots out of many :(..infact there was horrible wind everywhere..a very camera unfriendly place :p.


@Anish, dont comment on the blurrines of the pics :p
Anish said:
@ wolff - Nice long exposure, I presume that's the 400D at ISO800 ? A tad noisy being a Canon ;)

The first one was ISO 1600, second was 800, both f/11, 10 second exposures.

@Smith... awesome work mate, specially the last one.
thanx all for ur compliments..:D

point noted Anish, though i dont want to invest in a polarising filter for this one right now as it is to be used by my parents while i get something else in near future..;)

awesome pics there smith..

some from me too..though way out of league..:)




^ The hillside pic is classy, I envy you guys who get to travel to such cool places :mad:

The last pic is fab too ! You've used the soft flash very well.

If you can do a reshot, place a sheet of plain white paper behind it, that wall is ghastly..

no chance of a reshot. the pic is a about two weeks old and the flower is no longer there..and i suck in photoshop. but if any one else wants the picture to remove the ghastly remains of the wall, he's welcome :p
thanx a lot Anish.. is a woe to like photography and yet being poor at photoshop.

now that i have a good cam i promise myself i'll read up..:)

@Akshitmohan: the pic was taken at a place called Uran, near Mumbai, during my last visit. it had just finished raining and i was drenched to the skin :p. glad u liked it.
Here are some pics from chennai track :) ...... went there this sunday and man it was fun ..... was there all day :D ...... group "D" races really rock :)
