The Photography Thread !

^^ The image i posted was already PostProcessed.

currently im only working with dodging, burning and combination of both with different blendings.

actually me too though of cropping the lower dark park but then the water/sky horizon wouldn't meet at the center of the image which is kind of crucial in getting all three parts in the composition - foreground, background and middle area.

I totally messed the foreground though. :P

Thanks about tips regarding masking as im yet to start learning those.

Couldn't manipulate the colours well as im totally noob to that as of yet but willing to improve :)

btw here is the original :P

The photo was clicked with a wide-angle lens. There was no filter used. You can tell by the dimensions that there is some cropping. The photo was clicked in RAW. I did some tone enhancement on lightroom. I know the photo might look too vivid. But, the idea was to make the photo look the way I saw this view with my eyes. That's the beauty of Ladakh. Everything is just so vivid and dramatic!

Also, the rainbow is real!