The Photography Thread !

^ oh tat is nice....

Mysterious Light:

FaH33m said:
^ How did you do this ? Photoshop ? Also what do you use for post processing .Loved all your snaps in this post.
Its a 3-stage Process: Dodging, Burning and Saturating. | Learning | Non-Destructive Dodge, Burn, and Saturation

generally learn one trick and use it for 5-6 times so that it becomes naturally to your mind when you think of it.. then start with another trick.. mix and match and you will have a better learning curve imo. im doing the same.
How about all of you post all the pics upload to hotfile and give me the link :P.

@delirious? your pics especially are brilliant .Please send me your pics will use them as wallies :)

All the pics in this thread are so bloody brilliant but downloading each one of them is difficult .I have saved most of the pics but keep missing on the awesome ones when i don't visit TE .
rravikantt said:
Wow nice clicks every1. And specially delirious... ur pics are just amazing.



You sir , make use of the FZ-35 to its full potential :O ! Amazing snaps :D What was the setup used and what PP work ?
Thank you Faheem :D .

Setup: A glass bowl filled with water, with two LED's torches lighting it. Placed white sheets below cup and for background. And a water sachet with pin hole hanging on top. Set cam on tripod, manual mode, manual focus, SS-1/200-400. Once you get hang of the timing, you will get it. I clicked around 100+ and got around 5 good results.

PP: A tight crop (as i didn't get such close up shots). Adjusted levels selectively through layer masks, and adjusted contrast, saturation and colors to get the blue and burned edges.
My first to this thread.. Exactly at the center opposite Taj Mahal with a little bit reflection on water. The Asean lady messed up the pic though.
