The Samsung Galaxy S thread

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Btw, How many people have Flash enabled on their Galaxy S? It seems to me from comments on various sites that a lot of people are not even aware that Galaxy S can do Flash right out of the box with Android 2.1 (Eclair). Just go to Browser settings and enable plugin's.
I am talking about Flash lite only. People already know about full flash support in Froyo, but not many people seem to know that they can at least use Flash lite on Galaxy S.
Has anyone of you tried enabling wifi tethering on this phone? I was checking from the internet and it seems to me that it's a big process to do... So waiting for Froyo to be officially available!
I think that was the one without bill. 25k and Mumbai is almost impossible at the moment.

About Froyo. Looks like it is not optimised for A8 chips. Really disappointing Linpack scores compared to Froyo + Snapdragon combo. JIT is heavily optimised for Snapdragon. How much it will affect it in real life remains to be seen.
Just joined the club :-) The screen is just awesome! I simply couldn't compare my iPhone 3G to the Galaxy S. Except for the build quality which could've been better, I'm very happy about the phone!
Checksum said:
Just joined the club :-) The screen is just awesome! I simply couldn't compare my iPhone 3G to the Galaxy S. Except for the build quality which could've been better, I'm very happy about the phone!
From where and for how much did you get it?

One of the Dealer in Chennai is asking for 27k for it (this is the cheapest I could find), is it a correct price?
joined the club... yeah!

bought it for 27.8K in chennai a couple of weeks back.

and, loving it... ;-)
OK, I have played with Galaxy S on multiple ocassions till last week. But I got it over the weekend finally ( I was really hoping it wont disappoint me). Now having this phone for more than 24 hours in possession thanks to some good folks which cant be named here, I have a question for Galaxy S owners.

Are you kidding me?

I will post my rant in another separate thread with pics, but my god I am disappointed in a big way.
^^ Disappointed :S

or may be I should use this smiley :(

Please do post a mini review of galaxy s, and specially in comparison to HTC desire, if possible listing their pros and cons :)
Oh no, dont get me wrong. The bloody screen and awesome hardware does come to the rescue, but the built quality is appalling for a high end device. Absolutely not acceptable on device of this magnitude, stature and price. And then there are minor bumps where designer seems to have forgotten about some basic things.

Makes me little sad. :(
Shripad said:
Oh no, dont get me wrong. The bloody screen and awesome hardware does come to the rescue, but the built quality is appalling for a high end device. Absolutely not acceptable on device of this magnitude, stature and price. And then there are minor bumps where designer seems to have forgotten about some basic things.

Makes me little sad. :(
Build quality is indeed pathetic for a premium device like this. They seem to have made a trade off between build quality vs thickness and weight. Its somewhat better than what I had expected before I went for the demo, but sill I would rather have a sightly thicker and heavier phone with better build quality. Still to be fair, my Galaxy S has had a couple of free falls already without incident, not sure whether I should attribute it to luck or build quality.
Luckily the Vibrant seems to have a much better build quality. But yeah, its not that great for such a great device. But with the Cyanogen people releasing CM6 for Vibrant/Galaxy S, I think I'll pick it up! A&T monthly bills are way too much, around $84, T-Mobile will only be around $50 with student discount.
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