Aman27deep said:I dont think i'll get any more than 50 fps then![]()
Did that, looks better with a minor increase in FPS. Although I normally turn off Motion Blur, I missed it somehow. Thanks !pretttt said:@jc36lect3r
dude, disable SSAO. Its not worth it. I'm playing with pretty smooth gameplay with my age old 4870! Cant believe you guys are having issues! Anyway, for your settings I'd say disable SSAO and motion blur if you are not a huge fan of it. Use the FPS gained to increase Texture Mem Size and maybe increase LOD distance also.
quan chi said:i dont know which version of game you guys have but before the patch i was getting something like 20-28 avg fps even with ubersampling and ssao off.but after the patch it seems it has improved it a bit everything else maxed or high . i am now getting avg 48.
Tarcxy said:Reloaded the save from Chapter 2 and completed Roche's path. Its completely different and wonderful. Personally, I liked Iorveth was better. But, Roche's path had a lot of huge decisions to make.
For those who take Roche's path, dont read the Journal entry (the last para in boss fight quest) after the final boss fight. It contains a spoiler for Iorveth's path. IMO, its the spoiler for one of the greatest moments in the game. So, dont read it if you plan on replaying with Iorveth's path. Really careless of CDP to leave it like that.Killing or Sparing Henselt was a huge huge decision. I choose to kill the soab. But, theres a war coming with Nilfgaard. I cant think how much the story will turn based on this particular decision in the next game. Hope CDP utilises our saves better next time.
pretttt said:@Tarcxy
dude, please answer this:
Did you spare Stennis? Did you spare Sile?